Chapter 4 What happened!!??

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Heavens POV________________________________________________________________________

I start to wake up, things are blurry. I see a bright light shining in my eye. i hear this loud snapping noise in my ear. Are those people talking to me? They seem like there trying to talk to me. I reply Hi...... I see my family looking down at me threw the window. They seem sad. I start to wonder where am I?

Then I start getting higher in the air then I notice I'm sitting on a button so I pull it out of where I am sitting. I start to worry. Am I in a hospital? I freak out i start to stutter i scream for my mom and my BFFS Faith and Anna.

They try to get in but the nurses won't let them in i start to freak out wondering why they get in then the doctor starts to get closer with a large needle. It has blue things in that tube i start to worry so i scream. Then he did it he gave me the shot.

I start to hear a ringing noise things start to get blurry I try to get up to my mother and my friends instead I noticed I was on the floor. Things go pitch black. Once again I was back in this magical scary world. I feel this sharp pain in my arm. I look down at it a huge cut has appeared out of nowhere.

Then i see this black figure in the mist. I wonder who could that be. I walk closer than the figure fades away. I go running after it. Then i see the figure again I scream hey.... But the figure is gone again.

Then I run after it soon I stumble on a cliff. I almost fall but someone catches me I turn around and instead of seeing someone I fall and all I remember is seeing black.I wake up in a spacey room don't remember nothing, just here I guess. I try to get up but I notice I'm in a chair strapped in. I can't do anything but sit there.

"Welcome back Heaven. Do you remember where we left off cause I do. But I already know your answer.... No I don't know.... But just to let you know i was killing you slowly. I see your arm hasn't healed haha thats my fault, but you know i don't care. Well lets put this thing on high."

I scream in Pain I can't do anything about it. But then I start to remember what happened last time .....its Ziggy....
I scream even louder after i found out .
She stopped..

" So I wonder how long anyone really touched that hot box?! HAHAAHAHAHA!! "

My eyes widen in fear.

She knocks me out i can tell because when I woke up I don't remember a thing she throws me into the hotbox right when I woke up. Its hot really hot. TTTTOOO HOT i start to sweat, I try to move not enough space.

Time passes

I wake up in shock I feel weird.

"what happened to me?" I mumble as I try to get my vision back on point.

I hear a chaotic laugh coming from behind me, which made me lose my junk!

"H-hello?" i call out as i try to move,but it was no use. I was stuck.

Hi Heaven I see you have been through alot lately. Your dreams and all. HaHaHaHa!

How do you know bout my dreams!? And, where am I?

You dont need to know that you should already know close your right eye and you will see. ( LOL see what I did there )
I listened to him. A green screen popped up in front of me and i saw a lot of things I saw locations and addresses. I yell!!


Nothing bad honey. I helped you. I made you better than you ever been you should be happy.

Well i'm not fix me!

See well I can't do that because this is permanent like your parents our experiment really didn't work for them look to your left and you will see them.... as..... zombies. Im sorry for your loss honey but it has to be this way.


Oh they're fine they're over there in the cell there next in line as a new army like you but you're going to be the captain. This is going to be fun don't you think. Killing innocent people and everything. Im your dad now not that piece of trash. you should be thanking me.

An alarm goes off.
What is that?!

Someone has reached the perimeter.

I start to feel this evil sensation,tingling through my spine. I suddenly feel this nerve to attack anything that gets in my way..
"Whats happening to me?" I ask,rubbing my arms with a shiver.

"your changing stupid!" a familiar voice comes from behind once again. I shake my head in disbelief.

"What do you mean changing? Wha-" i quickly shut my mouth as i felt a knife to my neck.

"Your talking gives me a headache! may you please shut up before i make you!" i quickly nodded my head as i felt the knife disappear from my neck. As soon as I hear her evil laugh blurt out from behind,I grab my neck to reinsure take she didn't do anything dangerous.

"Ziggy why are you doing this?" I ask before tears can race down my face.

"Who leaves her best friend to die! That was stupid and un called for that tree fell on me! I had a concussion for more than 10 months. I almost died because of you I would be in that condition if you just did call the police! Why didnt you call I almost die. Heaven and for that I will make you feel pain."

"I have been working with this doctor for the longest as his assistant I soon gained the courage to ask for his help to torture you, Took him awhile he said yes and with that yes we soon fell in love and agreed to work together to make you evil"

"So im turning now?" Itook a shaky breath in as she nodded her head.

"If so,your eyes will change color and you will feel to kill things,but don't worry we will handle that for you."

I shook my head while trying to pull away from the chair that has me trapped in this hell!

"You're gonna change in about a minute or so" I watch as she looks down at her watch with a smile.

I start to feel a pain in my lower stomach,but before I could do anything about,my vision started to go blurry.

"Ah see your eyes are changing colors like i said it would! Do you like the colors I picked out for you? its a light blue and a lime green.. Sexy right?" I winced in pain as I feel like my insides are being turned inside out.

"what hell is happening to me?" she rolls her eyes once again before sitting in my lag,and playing with my hair.

"If you didn't hear me before your changing,I wont repeat anymore,because you'll gonna give me a headache,understood?"

I started to laugh with the relief of my hand being set free.

"welcome home Lili."

Thank @Ziggy6020 for her help! I loved the way she turned my evil,cant wait for the next chapter~Lili

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