🎃 look after 💀

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based on the emojis.. yall already know who pioc🥵 n ketih🥶 r lookin after in this chapt.

iTS THE BOYS !!! THE BABIES ... the spOOkers ! the.. 'another name for them' !!!!!

anyways hope yall enjoy this one !!


Keith groaned as he woke up, it wasn't even 3 in the morning but he felt wide awake due to the pain from yesterday finally getting to him... in his sleep. He sighed as he stayed in bed, laying down - if he moved an inch, he will cry. He slightly ruffled his hair as he thought to himself, 'Maybe hiding things is a bad idea.. lying about it too...' he looked over at his sleeping boyfriend.

Pico was fast asleep, snoring softly in his sleep; he seemed like someone who would sleep through anything - and that's true. Man slept through an entire shooting in his old apartment and he walked off fine as if nothing really happened. Keith shook his head as he slowly sat up, he wanted to get a ice packet to numb up the pain on his lower back.

Keith steadily stood up, using the bed as support to help him stay standing up. His legs were shaking, one move and he'll just stumble over and wake his boyfriend up. He stood their for a few minutes before rushing over to the wall, bumping into it for support as well since their room barely had any stuff in it.

He shot a look over at the bed, thankfully, Pico didn't wake up - well why would he ? He's a deep sleeper. Keith then noticed that he was completely naked.. and cold. He looked around the room before finding one of Pico's green sweaters. He reached and dragged it to him with his foot before putting it on. As well as some clean boxers.

He then dragged himself against the wall as he wandered off to the kitchen, Mawlie was sleeping by a window. He smiled as he went over and gently pet her, she woke up and mewed tiredly at him.

Soon she began purring to his touch as he yawned quietly, he forgot why he was even up at this time in the first place before it suddenly hit him. He felt like someone big and strong just pushed him to the ground, just to stomp on him like a hundred times. He whimpered in slight pain as he held his back, Pico really did mess him up this time...

He made it to the freezer where a nice pink ice packet was spotted near the corner of the cold box thing. He went on to lay on the couch before lifting up the sweater just to put the cold pack on his lower back. He sighed in relief as he could already feel the pain go away..

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Keith quietly cried to himself, "Can I have at least little me-time ?" he got up from the couch as he limped to the door. "Who could be knocking at like 3 or whatever.. 4 in the morning.. ?" Keith yawned as he unlocked the door, slowly opening it just to spot a tall pale woman staring back at him.

He was imagining things as he thought of her as someone tall.. pale... and scary. Maybe because she was tall but that's besides the point -

He screamed for one second before he heard two voices hush him. The woman smiled tiredly, "I noticed that your lights were on.. Um... I have a question for you young man..." she spoke in a gentle yet very tired voice. Keith listened to her, "Would you mind if you take care of my child and his friend ? Just for a few days ? I've been asking around town though I never thought about asking my next door neighbor... neighbors ? Whatever.. but yeah.. I feel like you're gonna say no - sorry for bothe -" the woman waved at Keith as she spoke before Keith stopped her.

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