18 | fire

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July 11th

I WAKE UP IN Benny's arms. we both must've accidentally fell asleep. my mom probably won't even care that he spent the night, though, to be honest.

i look at him and a soft smile forms on my lips. i'm so lucky. i look at the clock on my wall and it reads 6am. i'm almost never up this early.

my head snaps to look at my door when i hear it start to creek open, but i quickly act as though i'm asleep to avoid awkward eye contact with whoever it is. when i hear it shut, i grab my phone to check my notifications. i sit up, startled to see a text from harper. what on earth happened?

Harper: Brinley, is it okay if i stay at your house for awhile? i know we don't know each other that well yet, but things at home are bad right now and i need to leave.

Really worried, i quickly dial her number hoping to speak with her on the phone. let her know that she's welcome at my house any time. no answer. "damnit" i breathe out and rub my eyes, still tired. i notice Benny starting to wake up.

"hey, what's wrong?" Benny asks with an exhausted voice.

"nothing." i sigh and lay my head back on his chest. i'm not going to tell him. what if Harper doesn't want anyone else knowing her situation. she probably trusts me not to say anything to the guys.

"will your mom be mad that i slept over?" he asks.

"probably not. i mean we've had sleepovers before, but obviously now it's different." i can't help but smile when the words roll off my tongue. i feel Benny plant a kiss on my head before he starts to get up.

"where are you going?" i protest.

"home. i have to take a shower and get ready before hitting the lot later." he lets go of my hand.

"okay, i'll walk you out." i grab his hand again and we make our way out of my room. when we reach the top of the stairs, i stop in my tracks and my jaw drops as i look down to see who's at my kitchen table.

my Dad, with a coffee mug in his hand and talking to my mom, is at our table. i don't know whether to be overjoyed to see him, or to shove Benny into Evelyn's room which is right beside us so my dad doesn't see him. i go with running and hugging him.

"dad!" i yell, leaving Benny's side and running down the stairs.

"hey kiddo!" my dad stands up and opens his arms for me to hug him. "now," he pushes me away lightly after our hug and points at Benny who's now making his way down the stairs. "we need to talk about that."

"do we?" i give him a clearly sarcastic grin before giving in with a sigh and grabbing Benny's hand. "yeah, yeah. so basically, we're dating now."

"oh, i know." my dad says, "but let's talk about why i found him in your bed with you this morning." he crosses his arms.

i wanted to shrivel up and die of embarrassment and i could tell Benny did too by the sudden sweat on his hands. "it was an accident, dad."

"yes, i apologize." Benny gulps.

"chill out!" my dad starts laughing loudly, "i'm not actually mad. you look like you seen a ghost my man." my dad backhands Benny in the chest lightly and continues to laugh. Benny and I share unsure glances and awkwardly laugh along with my dad.

"but seriously, stay in your lane young man." my dad points at Benny.

"yessir." he nods.

"shut it rodger." my mom stands up and lightly pushes my dad to sit back down in his chair. "i'm sorry Benny." she shakes her head looking at my dad who's still chuckling.

what if → Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now