chapter 7 | she's my best friend

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June 21st, 2019

MY LAST DAY of grounding consisted of pizza rolls and Stranger Things. i started watching all the seasons over again so i could be finished and have my mind refreshed by July 4th, which is when season 3 comes out. i only got through a few episodes in season one, though.

today was my first day post-grounding, so i woke up early to be able to beat everyone to the sandlot. when i walked out on my front porch, i was surprised to see Jordyn standing there, with our dad's old baseball glove. i was only surprised because i couldn't remember the last time i had seen Jordyn wake up before 1pm

"i'm coming with. and you're not allowed to say no." she crosses her arms.

"well... ok." i look at her suspiciously. usually there's some sort of motive behind what she does. "but why?"

"first of all, i can give you points on how to flirt with Benny. and second-" i cut her off.

"what? no. first of all," i started mocking her, "there's nothing between Benny and i. and second, stop trying to get in my business."

"my nose likes to wander." she shrugs and jumps down the steps of the porch. "you comin or not?"

i sigh and walk past her, determined to keep my eyes ahead of me the entire time, and try to ignore her existence on the walk to the sandlot.

"second of all, i just want to go out and have fun for once. you always come back from the sandlot in a great mood, i thought it would just be fun if i tried to play for once." she explained, but i ignored her.

when we got there, Timmy and Tommy were already at the dugout. "what up guys?" i sit next to Timmy on the bench.

"my mom sent us with a cooler today. it's filled with water bottles and popsicles for later. she says it's gonna be another scorcher." Timmy smiles and pats a blue cooler.

"yeah a scorcher." Tommy repeats.

"that was nice of her. i haven't seen your mom in years, i miss her!" Mrs. Timmons was always the most involved mom out of all of the boys on our rag tag team, mostly because they lived right by the sandlot so she was around a lot.

Pretty soon all the guys had shown up, and we decided to start playing. i batted, then Benny. we both hit home runs. each time we go to get the ball from the backyard, we give the beast a pat on the head.

Jordyn walks up behind me as i watch Benny run the bases. "hey can i bat next?" she asks quietly.

"are you sure you want to? these guys are good, and you've never played before." i point at her.

"i'm trying something new." she shrugs.

"the bat's over there." i nod towards home base, and she takes her sweet time walking there.

Benny comes up to me out of breath from running the bases, "your sister's batting?" he pants trying to catch his breath.

"hey, it's her funeral." i cross my arms.

Ham gives me a look as Jordyn picks up the bat. i look at him, shrug with my arms out and release my arms so they slap down on my legs. I also earn a look from DeNunez, but he starts getting ready to pitch the ball anyway. i watch Jordyn, in the complete wrong stance, get ready to swing the bat. DeNunez winds up and hurls the ball towards my sister. she swings, and misses.

"striiiiiike one!" Ham shouts.

Jordyn shakes her head, and gets back to her incorrect stance. she swings, and misses again.

"striiiiike two!" Ham yells again with pleasure. i could tell it annoyed Jordyn, but if she's gonna play with us she has to get used to Ham's remarks.

what if → Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now