chapter 3 | you're it

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June 16th 2019

I WOKE UP TO THE SUN shining directly in my eyes. I forgot to close my blinds the night before. so thanks to that I was up extra early and had an hour before leaving for the sandlot. i throw on some dark blue mom jeans and cuff the ends. i decide to go with a red t-shirt that was a little oversized tucked into the jeans and slipped on some white converse. my hair was already in a cute messy low ponytail when i woke up so i just kept it like that and threw on a blue LA baseball cap.

I go to the kitchen to get some breakfast, but was disappointed to find the only cereal we had was fruit loops. in my opinion fruit loops are disgusting but i wasn't going to starve the whole day so i reluctantly poured a bowl.

right as i'm about to take my first bite my mom comes down the stairs and throws her purse on the table. i could tell that she was tense. it was her first day on the new job she got. this usually happens after every move.

"Just relax mom." i look up from my phone.

My mom looks at me and sighs with irritation "Relax. mk. Relax? yeah it's my first day on my new job here and i had to wake up twice in the middle of the night to let the damn dog out while your father laid there poking me saying the dog's barking which is not in any way helpful not like i didn't hear it already and to make matters worse-"

"GAHHH" Evelyn jumps from behind my mom grabbing her shoulders almost giving her a heart attack.

"HAHA gotcha." Evelyn Grins.

my mom turns around and points at Evelyn "don't do that. Evelyn i'm really not in the mood right now so go back to bed it's really early."

I could feel the tension throughout the whole house because no one in my family was ever happy except for Evelyn when she was doing stuff she wasn't supposed to. so i grabbed my bowl of fruit loops and headed out into the porch to eat because i couldn't stand being around my family anymore.

I decided to just scroll on tiktok for a while. honestly seeing all these famous people with perfect lives, perfect friends and family, perfect boyfriends, it all makes me feel bad about my life. sure i can get all of the newest things and the cutest clothes but it doesn't change the fact that i'm never happy. each day i just fall deeper and deeper into a hole of loneliness. hopefully that will change now that i have my friends back here.

After i finished my cereal i just sat on my phone for a few minutes, and didn't even notice Benny was walking towards me.

"you ready to go?" I look up and Benny's leaning on the railing i put my feet up on.

"yup." i click my phone off and stick it in my back pocket.

Benny and i walked in silence for a few minutes before he turned to me "that was some playing yesterday." he jokingly elbowed me in the arm.

"thanks." i giggled looking at the ground. "i thought after all these years i'd just be making a fool out of myself trying to play."

"why would you think that?" he asked.

"i'm really doubtful of myself. to be honest. i'm working on it." i explain, "so I'm trying to say what if more I guess."

"sounds like a good goal to work towards." Benny  nods. "can i tell you something now?" he asked.

"shoot." i reply.

"when you moved away, even though we were just eight when you left, it seemed like a piece of me was missing when i wasn't seeing you everyday anymore." he confessed.

"i felt the same." i smiled at him, "i never actually made any friends after you because i was afraid that we would move away again and i would feel the same hurt." he then smiled back at me, "plus," i start again, "no one could top the famous Benny Rodriguez." we were both laughing now. That felt really good to tell him.

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