20 | secret

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August 15th

it's been almost a month since the fight, our bruises have long since faded. Harper went home a week ago and she says everything is fine at the moment. it's also unfortunately time to start worrying about school.

My dad left after a few days for his next job location. now that his company knows he doesn't have a family to drag around he's gonna have to move more frequently.

Evelyn turned 12 on July 27th and celebrated by getting grounded after almost burning down the house. yes you read that correctly, Evelyn left a candle on in her room and it fell on the floor. Evelyn's also been coming to the sandlot with us everyday. (well except for the days she was grounded) she doesn't play ball, but Yeah-yeah's teaching her how to throw and swing a bat, so maybe one day she'll play with us and not just sit in the dugout on her phone and staring at Yeah-yeah.

"you know summer's over when you can see the first day of school on the weather app." I groan. the sun still beats down intensely here in the valley mid-august so we're taking more frequent dugout breaks.

"can we not talk about school right now?" Ham chugs his water.

"Ham, 8th grade is the least of your worries, trust me." Bertram says, wiping sweat off his glasses.

"we're starting high school next week." DeNunez motions to me, Benny, Bertram, and himself and i let my head fall forward from disappointment, exhaustion, and overheating.

"let's go to the pool." Tommy speaks up and everyone whips their heads towards the boy we've never heard speak if he's not repeating his older brother's sentences.

"no way." Benny says, shaking his head. "we're a week away from the start of school, and we need to take advantage of these last few days."

"yeah, we need to take advantage of the summer and go do something else for once." I disagree. "Benny we've been playing nonstop every single solitary day since school let out."

"fine then, all you blockheads can go if that's what you really want." He tilts his dodgers hat forwards over his eyes and leans back against the dugout wall with his arms crossed.

"Benny, remember what happened to Brinley last time you insisted we keep playing in the heat?" Squints argues.

"Yeah yeah, she passed out!" Yeah-yeah agrees, "you cried, Benny man."

"wait, Benny cried?" my jaw drops.

"like a baby." Ham teases.

"shut your mouth." Benny readjusts his hat and points a finger at Ham, "it was only one tear."

i smile at Benny sweetly before falling onto his lap. "i can't believe Benjamin Rodriguez cried." i can't help but burst into laughter along with all the other boys. "over me!"

"that was the day i decided that you were first no matter what. not baseball. not anything. you." he speaks so just i can hear. everyone else was still dying of laughter.

"aw." i joke.

"shut up." Benny cracks a smile and we both laugh again. i think i'm starting to get delusional from the heat because i think i see Phillips walking towards the dugout.

Benny pushes me off him lightly and into DeNunez who catches me. He stands up and walks away. maybe Phillips really is here. this isn't good.

"please tell me i'm seeing things and Phillips is not walking towards us." i close my eyes and turn my head into DeNunez's shoulder.

"i wish i could tell you that." DeNunez says and with a groan i push away from him to stop Benny from throwing more punches.

Benny stands at the dugout entrance with his arms crossed. "remember our deal." i stand next to him.

what if → Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now