19 | fight

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July 17th

"WAKE UP BRINLEY!" Evelyn pulls my covers off my bed. "it's the fair today and the guys will be here any minute! even Harper is awake."

i sit up and comb my fingers through my hair. "can you not be annoying for once in your life Evelyn. i get you wanna see Yeah-yeah, but chill your-"

"can you shut the fuck up for once in your life?" She snaps back. "i do NOT want to see Yeah-yeah."

"sure, sure." i nod with a smile.

Evelyn clenches her fists and walks towards the door. on her way, she grabs my brush out of Harper's hands and chucks it at the wall, leaving a dent.

"what the actual hell?" i stand up and flip her off as she leaves.

"maybe we shouldn't make fun of her anymore." Harper goes to pick up my hairbrush. "i think she has some small anger issues." she glides her hand over the fresh dent in the wall with wide eyes.

"you think? small?" i let out a short laugh, "but yeah, i've been bothering her about it for a week now and i best stop before she takes my head off."

Harper laughs, "and you might need this." she hands me my brush looking at my hair.

"gee thanks." i roll my eyes sarcastically.

We get ready and i just throw on shorts and a tshirt with my air forces. basic, but it'll do.

"who the hell is at the door?" Jordyn walks into my room after the doorbell has been repeatedly ringing for the last minute.

"that's the guys." Harper says, tying her shoe laces.

"well, would you mind answering the door so i can go back to sleep?"

"dude it's 3:45pm!" i shove past her to go down the stairs. "not my fault you were up late damaging your lungs." i mumble under my breath.

"what did you just say?" she whips around and follows me down the stairs but i don't respond. the doorbell continues to ring. "helloooo!? are you deaf?! what did you say to me you little brat?" Jordyn grabs my shoulder and turns me to face her before i can reach the door.

"you heard me." i stare into her eyes.

"listen cuz i'm not gonna repeat this Brinley." she points at me, "what i do is none of your business. it's my life."

"it's my life too!" i yell over her.

"how does me smoking affect you!?" she shouts louder.

"BECAUSE!" i finally scream and take a deep breath before speaking softly. "you're my sister. you think it doesn't hurt me to see you go down that path? you are apart of my life. do it if you want, but you won't earn any respect from me."

i leave her standing there with her eyes on the floor as i go towards the door. i notice the ringing has stopped as i open the door and all the guys tumble onto my floor.

i cross my arms "so you were listening?"

"you can't scream and expect us to not be curious." Squints adjusts his glasses.

"fair enough." i shrug and turn around, yelling for Harper. "you guys go ahead. i'll meet you there i'm gonna wait for Harp." i motion my head inside.

"you sure?" Bertram asks.


Everyone leaves but Benny. He stands in the same spot he was, just looking at me. "go." i motion towards the rest of the guys with a smile.

what if → Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now