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Warning: this part includes smut and blood. If you do not want to read that part, I have indicated where it is and you can simply stop reading there.

Y/n was eating dinner in the great hall when she heard Ramsay had arrived. She abandoned her food, jumping up and startling Willow, who had been resting at her feet. She raced through the corridors, walking as fast as she could while still maintaining her dignity.

She found him as he was exiting the torture room; Theon's screams and pleas echoed in the hall, but they fell to the back of her mind as soon as her eyes met Ramsay's. He looked different. His hair and clothes were dirty, and he had grown some scruff, but Y/n didn't care. His eyes were the same, full of excitement and love as he stalked towards her. He lifted her up, spinning around in a hug before setting her down. He gripped her face and pulled her into a deep kiss. Y/n couldn't help but melt into his warmth that felt like home.

"I missed you so much," he confessed, pulling back slightly.

Y/n smirked as she leaned forward, connecting their lips again. "I know."

He laughed, keeping their foreheads together.

"You need a bath," Y/n whispered after a few moments of silence. She giggled at Ramsay's look of hurt, knowing it was a facade. "Come on." She grabbed his hand from her waist, leading them through corridors to their room.

They entered the room. Willow, who still followed Y/n, took her place in the corner where she had taken to sleeping while Ramsay was gone. Y/n called for a bath to be filled, and in a few minutes, Ramsay was sitting in a hot bath while Y/n sat on a stool beside him with a razor and the shaving cream.

After covering his jaw and lower face with the cream, Y/n began slowly dragging the razor across his skin, leaning in close to make sure she gave a clean and crisp shave.

"Any news about our babe?" Ramsay asked as he watched his wife's focused eyes.

Her eyes flicked to his before returning to the razor. "Maester Tybald has nothing to say." She sighed, wiping the blade on the cloth lying on her lap. "I don't think he has any knowledge of pregnancies. He doesn't seem to have an answer to any of my questions except, 'I don't know' or 'it's hard to say'" She paused. "Would we get to choose a different Maester if Tybald happens to disappear?"

Ramsay smiled before returning to his emotionless expression at his wife's disapproving gaze. "I don't believe so," he raised his eyebrows, drawing his wife's eyes, "but if you dislike Tybald that much, it won't take much to get rid of him."

She smiled down at him. "Almost done."

"You know we have people to do this?" He smirked at her.

"I know," she sighed, keeping her voice slow and even. "There's just something intimate about this. I mean," she dragged the razor softly up his neck, "you're trusting me with your most vulnerable—" she gentle added a little more pressure, the tip of the blade slightly piercing his neck and drawing blood "—oops." She smirked as she pulled back, biting her lip.

His hand flew to his neck, pulling away with a bright drop of blood on his finger. He looked up at her, his mouth open and eyes wide as he ran his tongue over his teeth.

*Start's getting smutty*

As he watched, Y/n put the razor and towel down, moving to sit on the edge of the tub. She gently grabbed his hand, taking his blood-covered finger into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around his finger, never breaking eye contact.

"I think I'm in love," he teased.

She released his finger, moving her own finger to his lips and shushing him before bending to kiss his neck. Ramsay moaned as he felt her suck and bite the skin around the small cut. She pulled away.

Ramsay stared at his wife's lips; they were stained with his blood. He raised his hand, caressing her face. Her eyes shut as his thumb brushed over her lips.

His hand moved to the back of her head, pulling her into a hungry kiss. He pushed his tongue through her lips, exploring her mouth. He pulled her closer, letting his hand fall to her waist. The position was uncomfortable with his head tilted up so much, so he quickly pulled her into the bath.

She let out a small squeal as she felt herself fall. The couple laughed as they resumed their kissing. Trying not to remove her lips from his, Y/n pulled her legs into the bath. She pulled away with a quick kiss, pulling her dress up and sitting on his lap with a leg on each side. As she moved back to kiss him, she started rocking her hips against his.

Ramsay moved to kiss her neck when she pulled away to start untying her dress. His head blocking her view and the pleasure every touch was giving her caused her fingers to fumble.

"So slow," Ramsay moaned against his skin. His hands moved to the front opening of her dress, ripping it apart.

She sighed as his mouth moved to her now exposed chest. "That was a good dress," she whimpered as she glanced at the now ruined dress floating in the bathwater behind her.

"You have better," he mumbled into her chest.

Y/n hummed, pulling Ramsay's head up and locking their lips once again. His hands gripped her hips tightly, sure to leave bruises, as he lifted her up slightly before quickly thrusting in.

They both moaned. Weeks apart had left both missing the feeling of one another. Y/n rested her head on his shoulder as he began moving faster. She started grinding down in sync with him as she whispered in her ear, "faster."

Ramsay complied, watching his wife bounce with each thrust. When he hit her favourite spot, she moaned loudly, biting down on his shoulder. He hissed, jerking his hips faster.

"Ramsay," Y/n whimpered, warning him she was getting close.

He swore as he felt her squeeze tighter with each thrust.

"Oh!" she cried out as her climax washed over her, pushing Ramsay over the edge as well. He kept moving, carrying them through their highs. As the feeling faded, he let out a huff of air, leaning back against the tub wall.

They stayed still for a few moments, letting each other catch their breath. With a small laugh, Y/n turned her head to kiss Ramsay's cheek. "Welcome home, my Lord."

She sat back, grabbing a rag to get finish cleaning Ramsay.

She pecked his cheek again, standing and stepping out of the tub. She grabbed the ruined dress, ringing it out and throwing it to Willow, who could use the cloth to make her bed warmer as the winter months came. There was no point wasting the fabric. She started walking towards the bed, Ramsay's eyes watching her.

"Where do you think you're going?" he called, standing up. "I'm not finished with you."

"Then, by all means," she turned to him, sitting on the bed and opening her legs, "finish me."

Ramsay nearly growled as he jumped out of the tub, pushing her back, so they were lying on the bed. "Trust me, I plan on it."

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