"You Little Bastard"

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The soldiers pulled the hood off of Theon, giving him his first look at the cold room. The room was made even colder as someone threw a bucket of cold water at him. He shivered as he attempted to glare back at the man. His arms and feet were tightly bound to the wooden cross, limiting his mobility.

There weren't many people in the room, just a few unmarked soldiers. "Where am I?" Theon demanded from the man pacing in front of him. The soldier stopped moving, turning to face Theon and pulling out a knife. "Who are you?"

The man started approaching going to grab Theon's left hand.

"What do you want?" Theon screamed as the man grabbed his middle finger, lining the knife up with the tip.

"I want to do this," he drawled, pushing the knife into Theon's finger.

He screamed as the knife carved into his nerves and the pain shot through his arm.

A few moments later, more men entered, including a servant who was quickly instructed to start mopping the floor until the blood was gone. The original soldier seemed to be in charge as he gave all the orders. Theon's left foot was fitted into a wooden block with a metal screw on the top.

As soon as it was on, a man began tightening it, twisting the screw into his foot. Theon screamed, "Stop! Stop!"

"Tell us the truth." The soldier spoke without any emotion.

"About what?" Theon snapped.

The soldier nodded at the man by Theon's foot, telling him to twist it further.

He screamed again. "I don't know what you want!"

"I want the truth," the soldier replied, punctuating each word.

"What truth?!"

"Why'd you take Winterfell?"

"I took it to," Theon stammered as he drifted off.

"Who gave the orders?"

No one!" he quickly added. "I took it on my own."


"To take the North while it was vulnerable!"

"What were you going to do once you took it?"

"Hold it. Rule it."

"Good." The soldier said. Theon released a breath, letting his head fall as he relaxed. "That's very good." He looked to the man at Theon's feet, giving him a nod.

Theon screamed again as the screw dug further into his foot. "Why'd you do that? I told you-"

"- Why'd you take Winterfell?"

"I took it to bring glory to my house!" Theon screamed to the ceiling. "To my father!"

The room was quiet as Theon relaxed his muscles. The soldier stood up and began walking towards his comrades.

"Wait!" Theon called. "Wait, wait, wait. I, uh, I took it because I hated the Starks. I hated them for holding me prisoner. I wanted to hurt them." He shook as he waited for a response.

The soldier began walking towards him.

"What are you doing?" Theon stammered. The soldier placed the hood back over his head, nodding at the man below to tighten the screw. "Please!" He screamed. "I'll tell you anything."

The soldiers left the room.

"Just take it off! Please!" Theon begged to the nearly empty room. "Please, just take it off."

As the door shut, the servant put his mop down, rushing to Theon and taking off the hood. "Your sister sent me."

"Yara," Theon breathed in relief.

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