Exploring The Dreadfort

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Grey days were Y/n's favourite. There was a quiet, gloominess which accompanied these days that gave them a mysterious aura, a sense that anything could happen. It was on these days that Y/n like to explore.

That was what she was doing when she discovered the Dreadfort's kennels. Her eyes widened when she saw the dogs for they were beautiful creatures. She walked beside the cages, counting them. There were eight dogs in total, ranging in size, and seeming to belong to two different breeds.

The dog at the very end was the only one to remain silent. When Y/n stopped in front of her cage, the dog tilted her head as if in deep concentration. Y/n smiled and reached out to pet the dog through the bars.

"-I wouldn't do that Lady Y/n," Ramsay's voice rang out, causing the girl to pull her hand back and turn sharply. Ramsay was leaning against the wall beside the door, watching her.

"Why?" she questioned. At Shadowrise, they had hunting dogs as well, but Y/n could still pet those dogs.

Ramsay smiled at the girl's naivety. "These dogs have been trained to take down a wolf if I command it." He pushed off the wall and walked towards her. "But they won't hesitate to take down a pretty girl." His hand came up to her cheek.

"You think I'm pretty?" the girl smirked with a raise of her eyebrows.

Ramsay was flustered. He wasn't expecting that response. Of course, he hoped that she wouldn't be scared, but to take his comment as a compliment was unexpected.

After he regained his composure, he smiled at her. "No."


"Yes," Ramsay smirked at the girl. "As a matter of fact, I think you are too beautiful to describe as just pretty."

She shook her head at him as a smile grew on her face. "You flatter me." She moved around him, to the cage she had stood at before. "I wonder if your hounds will attack beautiful girls." Her hand moved to the lock.

"-Not that one," Ramsay interrupted her movements. "She's still training."

"Ah," Y/n said, walking back towards him.

"This one," Ramsay said, watching the girl in front of him. He opened the cage to his right. With a glance at Ramsay, Y/n leaned down to pet the dog. The dog didn't move but stared at her master.

"What's her name?" Y/n glanced up at Ramsay to find him staring at her and smiling.

"Helicent," he responded. "She's the oldest."

With a final pat, Y/n stood up and turned back to Ramsay. "Would you introduce me to your girls, my Lord?"

"I'm not a Lord, my Lady," he said with a sad smile.

"You will be." Ramsay looked up to see Y/n smiling brightly with her hand held out.

Ramsay gladly offered his arm.

The two spent the rest of the day walking the castle trading tales of their childhood. Y/n even told him the story of how her mother and brother died, a story which she held deep in her heart and hesitated to share with even her closest of friends. Eventually, it neared the time for dinner, and the betrothed couple had to separate. Ramsay walked Y/n to her room, bent down and kissed her hand in departure before turning and walking to his chamber.

Y/n entered her room with a smile and giddy feeling in her chest. She quickly calmed herself and called for a bath. As much as she like the hounds, she didn't want to show up for dinner smelling like one.

After the bath was filled and Y/n in the water, one of the Dreadfort's maids entered to help instead of Y/n's handmaid, Haynna. She was a small girl with dark hair and pale skin. She was very pretty.

"Where's Haynna?" Y/n asked while grabbing a nearby rag.

"She wasn't feeling well," the girl replied in a soft, sweet voice. "I volunteered to take over for her."

"How kind of you." There was a moment of silence as the girl grabbed a rag and began washing Y/n's back. "What's your name?"

"Myranda, m'Lady," she answered.

"That's a pretty name."

"Thank you, m'Lady."

They sat in silence for a few moments.

"You must be careful, m'Lady," Myranda said. As she leaned back for Myranda to wash her hair, Y/n gave the maid a glance that urged her to go on. "Ramsey gets bored easily. You don't want to end up like-" she paused. "Oh, I shouldn't say." As Myranda finished her hair, Y/n sat up and turned to her.

"You can't abandon a story midway through. Continue."

"Well, like Helicent. She had a terrible laugh; it sounded like a pig. Ramsay thought it was funny at first," she sighed, "but then he got tired and off they went on a hunt."

"Hmm," Y/n hummed. "Help me into my dress, will you?" Myranda helped her out of the tub and into her dress. "Ramsay names his dogs after the girls," Y/n glanced behind her to see Myranda's face frozen in confusion, "yes?"

"You've met the dogs, m'Lady?" Myranda questioned. No one was allowed near the dogs. Her father was the kennel master, and even she hadn't been allowed to meet them.

"Yes. I came across them today, so Ramsay introduced me." Myranda pulled the final tie a little harsher than she should have, but Y/n didn't notice. "Thank you, Myranda. I trust you can empty the bathwater?" She left without waiting for a response, leaving Myranda to wonder who this woman was.

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