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It was late in the afternoon when the blue icicle banners were spotted from atop the Dreadfort's towers. Ramsay was in the kennels when he was informed of the pending arrival of his newly betrothed. He often spent time in the kennels when he was nervous. His girls calmed him, and he certainly needed it today. He didn't know what his future bride would be like. He had never met her and was worried she might be dull.

He was the last of his household to arrive in the courtyard but promptly took his spot beside his father.

"Stand straight," Roose scolded with little more than a glance at him.

Ramsay immediately did as told, straightening his posture and putting on his best lordly face.

The gates were soon opened allowing the travelling party to enter. Several horses were accompanying the small carriage.

Ramsay watched as a tall man quickly dismounted, motioning for his men to do the same. He had a stern face that seemed far too aged for a young man barely older than Ramsay, but it immediately softened when the carriage door opened, and a young lady stepped out. The man offered his arm, and the two walked towards the Boltons.

"Maricus," Ramsay's father called as the two approached.

"Lord Bolton," the man responded and let go of the Lady's arm to give Roose a firm handshake and smile, a smile which Ramsay thought looked very forced. "How have you been?"

"As well as one can be in times of war." Roose paused and looked around at the many soldiers in his courtyard. "Where is your father? I thought he would be joining us."

Maricus glanced at the lady who gave him a small smile. "He's- well..." He turned his attention back to his hosts. "He won't be joining us."

"Ah," Roose sighed. "Let me introduce my bastard son, Ramsay Snow."

Ramsay grimaced at his father's choice of words but stepped forward and shook Maricus' arm.

"This is my lovely sister, Y/n" he announced as he let go of the bastard.

The girl stepped forward. Her blue gown matched her house's sigil on her cloak. As she curtsied for the men in front of her, her eyes met Ramsay's and she smiled. The bastard grinned.

"Shall we discuss business?" Maricus interrupted, drawing their eyes.

"Of course," Roose replied. "Shall we go inside?"

Roose began to walk inside, followed by Maricus, who only paused to grab his sister's arm. Ramsay didn't miss the glare Y/n sent her brother as she ripped her arm away. The siblings seemed to have a silent conversation while Ramsay watched with amusement.

Eventually, Maricus gave up with a shake of his head and followed Roose.

Y/n turned to Ramsay. "I'm sorry about that, Ramsay." Her voice was sweet, but Ramsay found himself entranced with her eyes. Her eyes were beautiful, and she didn't shy away from making direct eye contact with him like most of the people in the town. Then again, she had just met him and didn't know of his malicious activities. "My brother, he's overprotective," she continued. "He doesn't seem to realize that I'm a grown woman, not just his little sister."

"It's alright, my Lady," Ramsay nodded his head in understanding and smiled at the girl, "but you best follow him. My father will start without you."

"You misunderstand." She took a step towards him. "I do not wish my brother to escort me because I mean to have my future husband escort me inside."

Ramsay had never been allowed into his father's meetings before. "It is not a bastards place my Lady."

"Ramsay," she moved closer to him and rested her hand on his arm, "you should have a say in your future, and right now it is going to be decided by my brother and your father. We both should be present. Besides," she smiled brightly at him, "you may not be a bastard forever."

He returned the smile, offering her his arm and walking into the castle without another word.

He liked her.

As the night dwindled to an end, Maricus managed to grab his sister for a dance

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As the night dwindled to an end, Maricus managed to grab his sister for a dance.

"I don't like this," he whispered so no one could hear but Y/n.

"What?" she asked mockingly. "Dancing? You're not very good."

He gave her a glare. "No." He glanced around the room. "I don't trust the Boltons."

Y/n raised her eyebrows. "They've been rather kind to us. What did they do to offend you?"

"Nothing. One of the maids, she mentioned that Ramsay likes to-," he paused, "-well, let's just say he likes to do some horrible things. Things I don't want my baby sister around."

"Oh, stop it," Y/n scolded as she tried to escape from his hold. "I am not a baby." She stood in front of him. "I have been betrothed to Domeric since the day I was born. He's dead now. The only way to keep our alliance with the Boltons is to marry Ramsay. So unless you wish to take my place, stop acting like a child."

"What if you didn't need to marry-?"

"Oh, stop it Maricus-" She began to walk away

He grabbed her arm harshly. "I'm serious." Y/n paused and glared at her brother's hold on her.

"What if I want to marry him? He has been nothing but kind to me. I have no doubt he will protect me from any harm." Her eyes flicked to his harsh grip. He guiltily dropped his hand back to his side. "I've heard stories of women who end up with husbands that do nothing but fuck and beat them. I could have got a lot worse."

"He's a cruel man, you won't be happy here."

"Stop pretending you know everything because you don't."

She turned and began leaving the room. As she reached the door, a voice called out.

"Are you alright, my Lady?"

She turned to her betrothed. "Yes," she sighed with a small smile. "Just tired."

"Are you sure?" His hand came to rest on her elbow. Y/n noticed how comforting and kind his touch felt. "Has someone done something?"

"No, Ramsay." She smiled happily. "I'll be fine. Goodnight."

His hand slide down to her own and he bent down to place a kiss upon it. "Goodnight, Lady Y/n."

Once she had left the room, Ramsay turned around, his eyes searching for her brother. He hadn't heard the conversation, but he had watched. And something didn't feel right about the Katermal boy.

Ramsay's Lady (Ramsay x reader)Where stories live. Discover now