A Late-Night Visitor

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Dinners at the Dreadfort were very awkward. Not much conversation was made, and the little that transpired was usually started by Y/n or occasionally Ramsay. Y/n felt bad for her husband to be. Roose was a quiet man who preferred to observe rather than converse and every attempt Ramsay made to talk to Maricus had resulted in a glare. He was hostile towards Ramsay.

After dinner, Y/n would retire to her room. Ramsay would often visit, and the two would go for a walk until one of them felt tired. Y/n had come to expect his knock at the door. What she did not expect was to find her brother on the other side.

"What do you want?" she sighed.

Maricus took in his sister. She was not dressed for bed as he expected; she was still in her gown. He shook the thought away, focusing back on the task at hand. "I'm heading home."

When Aberam had told his children he would not be accompanying them on their trip, it did not go over well. He couldn't seem to give them a decent excuse for why he would be coming later, which greatly angered his daughter. Him not coming immediately meant that the wedding needed to be pushed back and that her brother would be forced to make all the plans for her future. As much as she trusted her brother, she didn't want him to be responsible for her. It had taken a while for her to concede and agree to leave with just her brother and some guards, but she assumed that Maricus would stay with her until the wedding. If he left now, he would make it back just in time to spend a day or two there before having to come straight back. It just didn't make sense.

The blank look on her face must have given away her thoughts as Maricus was quick to explain himself.

"I don't want you marrying Ramsay."

Y/n sighed, shaking her head and walking further into her room. "Why not? He makes me happy." He followed closing the door behind him.

"He's not a good man. He's killed before."

"Who is giving you this information?" she snapped. Sure, she had already figured this out for herself, but she had spent time getting to know Ramsay. Maricus was fed information.

"Myranda, a maid."

"I know who Myranda is. She's tried to make me afraid of Ramsay too. I wouldn't trust a word out of her mouth." Myranda was telling the truth. Y/n knew that, but she didn't want her brother ruining anything. She didn't care about how Ramsay acted with others, only how he acted with her. "She's a liar."

"She's not."

Y/n looked to her brother. There was a strange look on his face. Care? Protectiveness, maybe? "Oh my god!" Y/n exclaimed, rolling her eyes once again. "You'll trust the word of any whore that lets you between their legs."

"It's not like that," he defended to his sister's back. She walked to the door opening it to let her brother out. "I'm telling you, Y/n; this wedding has to be stopped."

"And I'm telling you, Maricus; to get out of my room."

"I'll stop it, don't worry."

"I'm not worried. Leave."

Reluctantly, he made his way from her room, glancing back just once to see if she changed her mind. "I'll be back."

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