Chapter 1 - Destiny's Gift Of Golden Eyes

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You had been traveling throughout the continent for quit some time now, for the past four hundred years or so actually. The length of your life unavoidable when your own blood is part of the underworld, on your mothers side that is with her vampiric ways and all. Your father on the other hand was a sorcerer, but still a human man who fell hopelessly in love with your powerful mother of the nether realm. You had inherited all aspects of a vampire, from the blood red eyes to the dagger like fangs, you subsequently looked the part, although you could hide it in dimmer light and with aid from a hood when traveling amongst the mortals.

But alas, in your dearest favor the sun could not harm your precious skin in any way it tried. You had never felt cold before or sick, wounds that would have festered and ended your life only healed within seconds, leaving nothing but a simple scar to mark its path. In all honesty, your only weaknesses came from anything made of silver that came into contact with your skin, and of course the rare bothersome encounter with the dreadful werewolf.

Now for the gift inherited by your dear missing father, whom was a powerful sorcerer of the continent before he disappeared from your life while you grew in your mothers womb. You were endowed no special abilities that you have come to notice. Everything you have within yourself stems from your mother and the single dark gift your vampiric heritage as endowed upon you by birth. Some vampires once turned are born with the gift of invisibility, others can see weeks into the future, and a couple can hear peoples thoughts. 

Yours however, is lightening manipulation, meaning you can manifest and bend lightening to your will whenever you felt the need, this hidden talent coming in handy more times then you could say. To explain that you were no common farm girl would be an understatement, you could feel the world around you like no human being would ever know, the night did not scare you and the monsters of the forest felt like nothing but common garden pests. You walked a lone path that only one of your kind could understand, and not many are like you that live in this world.

Your mother was no ordinary bloodsucker, she was a beautifully dark seductress who formed her own way and home in the process of her rise to hierarchy in the night world. She was death and elegance, her followers protecting her with their very lives, loving her enough to murder a whole hidden kingdom where they would then take over a grand castle in the forest, naming their malevolent new kingdom Alkatraz. There she became the Vampire Queen and for almost a thousand years did she reign until your possibly incredibly ignorant father stumbled upon the place one winters night. She never spoke much about what happened next, but two years later you came into existence and your curious father had seemingly disappeared forever off the face of the continent, though you'd believe it if your mother had killed him. She was tricky like that, very secretive but teaching you enough to survive, no matter how violent her display of adept technique could be.

Nonetheless your beginning was better then most, she had raised you in a large and beautiful castle, deep in the high mountains within a dark and heavy forest surrounding the grounds. It was heaven for you as a child, she kept you fed and comfortable, taught you right from wrong, literature, about the people of the continent and what beasts lurk in the shadows, how to fight and kill with the use of your gifts and body, when to stand up for yourself or others, and most importantly. To never trust anyone, but to always enjoy life. With this in mind, you had traveled with her to different places here and there when she felt like showing you something new and exciting, but it was never very far from your home. For a long while you lived with her coven of vampires, that is until you turned fifty seven, it was clear that you were never going to age past your looks holding you forever in your mid-twenties.

But you could not linger around the monsters that would suck the life out of innocent humans while you turned away unable to stop them, this was the life of living with vampires, and it was time. You needed more, so you left, and what a world did you encounter. Everything was different, you had read stories of the people, places, and creatures, studied the countless maps and dealings with kingdoms, their rise and fall. But now you lived it, and for almost four hundred and fifty years did you travel as a rogue in the land, helping villagers when you could. Killing beasts that crossed your path, attending high end banquets when you got bored, and hunting murders and bandits for coin. You had had your fun with the human men and occasionally elves when you sought out someone to satisfy your more primal desires. You lived freely in the vast land of the continent, no one to hold you down, no responsibilities that pulled at your freedoms, no one to boss you around, and no sick bastard to keep you captive. 

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