Chapter 11 - Family

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Summary: The Deathless Mother has sunk her darkness into the vessel of Ciri, and Yennefer has betrayed your trust for possibly the last time. With Geralt at your side and the rest of Kaer Morhen, will you all do whatever it takes to save the lost princess.

You hadn't spoken a word to any of them in some time, not Geralt, and especially not to Yennefer who you're currently still boiling over about what to do with her. The Deathless Mother had left her hut in the forest most likely a few minutes before you three teleported there prepared to slay her once and for all. Yet, of course, she was no where to be found.

The demon had taken her fill of misery and dread from the ones she's bargained with recently, whomever those sorry fuckers are, and now you'll most certainly be paying the heavy price. In whatever unfortunate and terrible way that will be, hopefully you're not the target, nor is anyone you're close to. Especially Ciri.

But the young girl was Voleth Meir's last prize she had manipulated Yennefer for, apparently she didn't truly need Ciri for her freedom from the hut. But you know better then to assume that a damn ancient demon would learn of an enchanted young girl and choose to leave her alone. The world isn't that kind, nor is it ever that easy. Never.

And now you're days away from Kaer Morhen with no idea where the hell Ciri and Jaskier could possibly be. You'd fly but then you'd be wasting even more time searching blindly for them, you don't even know how close or far they could be from Kaer Morhen anyhow. Cintra is a long ways away from the Witcher stronghold, and magically teleporting to a fucking enchanted hut in the middle of the woods can muddle time to strange degrees.

They could have been halfway to Kaer Morhen by the time you three reached the hut. They could even be there right now, though you have not a clue if any of them are all right, or if Voleth Meir has chosen to leave Ciri alone and fuck off across the ocean or something. One can be so hopeful. However your brewing temper for Yennefer seems to be clouding your mind more then anything else at this point.

You can't even look at her.

When the three of you finally reach the tree line where forest meets field are you surprised to be relatively close to Kaer Morhen. Maybe a few days ride.....that is if you happened to have any horses with you. Or two travelers who could sprout a pair of wings and take flight at will, which is neither an option. Tough luck.

Still in the lead do you press onward and across the large field of grass, in the far distance is a farmhouse and what looks to be fences holding cows and sheep. To the left is a road of flattened dirt that appears to be a heavily traveled trail leading into a large section of scattered woods. This almost looks familiar like you've taken this way before a long time ago, and perhaps you have. It'll have to do.

In no time have you reached the path, continuing a couple paces ahead of Geralt and Yennefer as they make an effort to keep up with you and your hasty, untiring strides. You're so anxious to reach Ciri and make sure she's okay that all thought regarding the humanly stamina of your two travelers goes out  the window. Surly they're getting a bit fatigued by now walking this quickly for so long, however you don't feel even a little out of breath, or in the head space to slow down.

"Y/N." Calls Yennefer, breaking you from your troubled thoughts.

"What?" You irritability snap, immediately stopping and turning around to send her a glare.

She stops as well, only slightly taken aback at your abruptness, Yennefer then takes a breath, "Y/N. I'm so so sorry for all of this.."

"Save it for someone who gives a shit."

Her expression dampens, "Y/N please, I must let you know I didn't know who she was."

"Did our conversation at Melitele mean nothing then? Did all I say go right over your head?" You shake your head at her, "I thought my dear friend was one of the most intelligent people I've ever known, someone I believed I could trust. Apparently I was greatly deceived."

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