Chapter 3 - What Is Lost

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Summery: With Ciri's training your main focus for the time being, you try your best to help her gain needed confidence within herself to become something great. While aiding Geralt in this strange new world of taking care of someone other then yourself.

Walking across the courtyard of Kaer Morhen does your gaze find Ciri hacking at a scarecrow looking dummy. She gives it her all as she does her absolute best to complete the required technique that Geralt had shown her to use. Suddenly the sword falls from her grasp and onto the ground as she huffs and snatches it right back up again.

Your eyes shift over to Geralt who's seated on a wooden bench a couple feet away. Smirking mischievously to yourself do you find your place standing next to him soon enough, "Didn't know you were so crafty." You tease as he looks up from his materials seated upon his left knee.

"Y/N." He says in a playfully threatening manner, knowing all too well about how you love to mess with him in any way possible.

You just take a piece of his long white hair to twirl absentmindedly around your finger while you watch him create his new armor, "Say, I believe there are a couple far more interesting and productive things you could be doing other then this."

He looks up to your beautiful face already looking down at him, he raises an intrigued brow, "What do you have in mind?"

"Oh this and that."


You tug on the lock of hair before tilting his chin up with your two fingers, "I think we let the poor girl rest for the evening and and you, can have some time together. Alone." You add with a halfheartedly stern look, "None of your damn brothers trying to bother us, not Ciri, not Vesemir...just me and you. What do you say to that?"

"I'd say it's a little cold to be taking our clothes off."

You shake your head at this, "Only our pants."

"Just our pants? That sort of defeats the purpose of making love."

"Not really. We both get to feel good and see each other's face, it's a good deal."

"I like seeing all of you." Stupid face of his smiling at you like that.

"Then take your clothes off. Obviously not right here right now, but you know...later."

Geralt glances over at Ciri who's none the wiser to this interesting conversation you and him are currently having. "It's kind of cold in our room, our blankets are limited."

"You're out here in pants and one top, might I add, with the sleeves rolled up as well. Do you actually ever feel the cold or have you been deceiving me this whole time? Or maybe, maybe you just don't want to fuc..."

"I do." He says quickly, giving you a knowing look that means business, "I do. But I don't want to speak of this right here."

You glance at Ciri, "She can't hear us."

He sighs, "Fine. Tonight after dinner is had." He removes your hand from his chin to kiss it gently in his hand, "Then I am all yours."

Breaking out into a satisfied grin do you wiggle your brows at him, "All mine? Oh, Geralt I think I'll also be all yours, if you'll let me." You're such a saucy thing sometimes, you and your damn flirting, thinks Geralt.

"You know I will." He muses with a half smile upon his lips you'd like so much to kiss. However the sounds of Ciri's hacking at the straw dummy sort of kills the mood. You turn an inquiring brow at the steadfast girl hitting her sword against the man of twigs, straw, and worn out leather armor.

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