Chapter 10 - Voleth Meir

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Summary: Desperately wanting to know why Yennefer has gone rouge and ran off into the unknown with Ciri, have you and Geralt traveled to Redania in search of Jaskier who might know more then Yennefer was leading on to in Melitele. Once he's saved and you're all back in the safety of the woods do you meet an old acquaintance that helps you make it to Cintra in time.


Stepping over a couple fallen melons in the street do you follow the charming woman you've come to know as Enna, the whore you've swindled with your ever wondrous charm. However she doesn't know this yet, you just need her to get to Jaskier who's temporarily being held in a Redanian jail cell somewhere up ahead.

Atleast you're hoping she's taking you to the correct place and the fox hasn't been outfoxed quit yet, you being the fox of course. Though luckily by her scent can you tell she's all about the pleasure aspect more then the business of this small endeavor you're on. She wants you, you can tell, it's flattering really. But you're a faithful woman, and your true lover can pleasure you unlike anyone in existence.

You're inquiring thoughts are quickly pushed aside when Enna walks in line with you, a bright smile upon her lips, "So, Syvira." She purrs, "Where you from?"

You shrug, "Does it matter?"

She gasps, "It always matters!"

"Not to me." You chuckle at her dramatics.

"Hmph, well it does to me. And I wanna know."

You roll your eyes, "Very well. I'm from Rivia."

She smirks, "Ohhh, Rivia." Saying Rivia with a little extra flair, "Where's that?"

"Just some place by a river, not too interesting or anything really. Has a reputation for killing children though, been a real problem too. Almost didn't make it to ten." Enna stares at you mouth agape as you nod, expression appearing dead serious while you look at her. "Lost my cousin when she was five."

Enna's perplexed and rightly weirded out expression turns to questioning puzzlement, "Are you serious?"

Biting your lip to keep the smile at bay do you shrug, "Do you believe me?"

"Hmm. I sort of just did." Enna then breaks out into a beaming grin as she laughs, "Ha! You're joking! I knew it!"

"Did you. Seems I had you fooled just now."

She shakes her head, "Nope."

"Uh huh."

Walking past more tall wooden buildings do the two of you fall into a comfortable silence while your mind lingers back to Yennefer and Ciri. Where the hell are they? You don't get much more time to dwell on the matter when Enna taps you on the shoulder.


She stops and holds your arm in place, "There's where he is."

Your gaze settles on a stone and wooden building with bars for windows and a hanging sign out front reading Redanian Jail in big bold letters. The royal Redania crest at the bottom for all of her citizens to see, as well as the two guards out front. Fucking guards, of course this day just refuses to run smoothly.

"Huh. Alright, uh, there a back entrance?"

She points to an alleyway on the left between the jail and some shop, a decently dark and inconspicuous place to keep hidden and slip inside unannounced. You look at Enna, "Appreciated."

She smiles, a small blush dusting her cheeks, "No problem at all. But you better come find me when you're done, I'm counting on it."

You give Enna a wink before revealing a Redanian crown between your thumb and index finger, "For you, my dear." She beams like an excited child before taking the valuable coin from you.

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