Chapter 2 - Kaer Morhen

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Summery: With your blistered palm on the mend, has your fearsome trio found themselves in Kaer Morhen at long last. With yourselves back in the fortress do you get a brief sense of safety when a secret Eskel hadn't shared till it was too late comes to rise.
It's been one too many days since you all left Nivellen to his own demise in that huge lonely manor on the hill, a charred mark in the snow at his feet, and an empty village vacant of all life. All a past problem come and gone as everything typically does in your life with your Witcher and now a magical child of surprise. Weird yes, however nothing too out of the ordinary.

Your boots land upon snow as you dismount from Roach's backside, your dark cloak blowing in the wind as you touch your thinly wrapped hand which came into contact with Geralt's sword handle which in turn happens to be silver. You needed to kill Vereena quickly and a little pain was worth...well, was it really worth saving Nivellen's life? You're still not so sure about that, in fact if it was just you and him you'd probably have let her kill him too.

Too late for that now. Roach neighs as she speaks to her old friends at the stable as Geralt helps Ciri down. He tends to his mare while the white dressed princess of Cintra takes a long look around the courtyard of Kaer Morhen. And what a grand place it is; her greenish blue irises trail across the stones as she studies the place, "This is your home?" Asks Ciri as she lets her eyes glance over the tall fortress of the Witcher stronghold, an empty on at that, "How many did you say there were?"

"I didn't." He leaves his belongings be and walks over to Ciri, "Last I checked..we were 20. Now? Maybe less." Her brows furrow in thought as you start to walk towards the front entrance, Geralt following suit.

"And you're sure it's safe?"

"Keep up." Is all Geralt answers with as you smirk, this is going to be an interesting time.

Once you all find yourselves easily through the giant fortress have you led a nervous Ciri to the front doors leading into the evening hall where all the Witcher's are typically located, and by the mumbled chattering on the other end. You know for a fact that Geralt's about to get some kind of brotherly hug filled welcome, and you? Well you're never really sure.

He presses a hand to the wooden door that opens with little effort, the three of you walk inside with Geralt in the center as you anticipate the curious staring. "Is it too late to turn back?" You mutter softly to Geralt who simply hums in answer as the Witcher's attention falls to your rough looking trio. And surprised they are indeed.

Three benches lay in a U shape as you get closer to the mouth of benches holding ale and food. Two men on the left, two on the right, and three seated on the center one with three more standing elsewhere. All eyes to you, Ciri, and Geralt. Curious eyes of differentiating colors all looking, staring, glad to see a brother....puzzled to see a blonde girl in a white dress....and ever the mixed feelings to see you among them. Beautiful monster. Ruby eyed temptress. Princess of the undead.

Your eyes find the fluffy red hair of Lambert who turns around to see what's caused the doors to shut loudly, he gives a lopsided grin when he spots Geralt walking towards him, "Here comes trouble." Mutters Lambert comically to the others around him while he gets up from his seat on the bench, "Where the fuck have you been? We thought you got lost. Or killed...or, or turned into a red eyed bloodsucker by your lovely lady in black here." Jests Lambert as he peaks around Geralt to give you a wink as you bare your fangs at him in a playful manner. He chuckles, "Why Y/N, you haven't aged a day." Oh, ever the fearless flirt.

Crossing your arms over your chest do you tilt your head at him like a curious wolf, "Why Lambert, you still smell of horseshit and bad decisions."

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