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'I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me than it did you
Only if you knew how much I liked you
But I watch your eyes as she

Walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerised while I die'

i dont know if you have noticed,  i mean you probably haven't because you are just paper binded in a maroon color, but im a helpless romantic. i believe in any and all relationships,  i think they all can and will last forever,  i think that nothing can stop true love from happening.

i guess i forgot to account the fact that not all feelings would be mutual. 

'Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were Heather'

i mean,  it is my fault, in a way. ive always been able to control my feelings, along with being able to see when someone is masking, or when someone is in love.
ever since i fell for albus though, i havent been able to figure any of it out. i cant see what anyone is feeling because qll i see is how albus would never like me the way i like him.

it breaks me.

it tears me apart. it makes me feel empty and alone.

maybe i am empty and alone.

im writing in a maroon journal as if it will let me get close to my mother.

why did i even start writing in this thing

what, did i think it would help !?

did i think it would bring her back !?

did i think it would magically make everything better !?

maybe the worlds trying to tell me its time to go.

maybe i should listen to it,  just this once.

Maroon ■ Scorbus Where stories live. Discover now