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so its 4am and im having a breakdown.
great way to enter a room, i know.  but let me explain. 

i have ways been in love with Rose Weasley,  right? everyone knows that in my future, i will be living with rose until im old and grey. 

I've always been in love with her.... right?

(this is your time to say yes)

yeah, i thought i was too— but now i think differently. ive pretty much been forced to like Rose, or any female person, but ive never truly felt a romantic or sexual attraction to them. theres only one person ive felt a romantic attraction to, and they are why im having this 3am breakdown. (can we get that trademarked?)

they are my best friend— the first person that knew i was a biromantic ace. yeah i know, im so cliche for coming out to my best friend first. let me live, okay?

 they are my dorm mate and can probably hear me crying right now because when i ran into the bathroom he was mid-sentence, having a conversation with me. {im sure you know who im talking about at this point. }

im in love with my best friend, and i dont know what to do about it.

I cant talk to him about it — for obvious reasons... i dont know what to do... im going to lose my best friend over a stupid crush....

i need to get over him

i need to fix myself before i crash and fall.

his arms arent always going to be there to hold me, and nothing will ever be the same if he finds out about this stupid fucking crush. 

ill force my feelings to go away.... ill make things better, no matter what i have to do. 

im not losing him. 

not today. 

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