Love Me Or Hate Me [22-J]

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She stared at me with such a strong pain in her eyes.

Part of me wanted to run after her and tell her that I didn't mean to do what I had almost just done, but by the look on Elliot's face, I knew that it was too late. Any hope that she had had in me was gone and she most likely never wanted anything to do with me. 'I guess I deserve that. . . All I did was fuck with her feelings anyway.' I frowned, not wanting to show what was going on in my head, but not wanting to make it look like it didn't effect me either.

Candy didn't seem to care though because she smirked and shook her head. “That poor girl never stood a chance. She really needed to understand that you were mine from the start, and—”

“—would you just shut the hell up already?!” Both Candy and I looked at Elliot as if he had lost his mind, but neither of us said anything. We just let him continue on with whatever it was he had to say. “James, you have no idea how much that girl loved you, and just let her slip away! And for what? Ten minutes inside my STD-ridden sister?” I wanted to laugh when he said that, but I resisted the urge and let him speak. “All Isabel ever did was care about you, and you were so obsessed with your image that you just didn't give a fuck! Do you have any idea how much she cried with me yesterday because everything you said to her hurt her? You're the single-handed reason why she's leaving!”

This is what caught my attention. “What do you mean she's. . . Leaving.” He shrugged, as if it wasn't his place to say anything. Of course, I wasn't just going to let him get away with saying something like that and not explaining what he meant. “Elliot, what do you mean she's leaving? Where is she going?”

Sighing, he turned his back to me and stayed shut for a bit before explaining. “After what you said to her yesterday, she had a break down. She started saying how she would never be good enough for you and how you were so much better without her. . .” This is where he chuckled a bit, though I didn't see what was so funny, considering the situation at hand. “I don't understand why she would think that though. If anything, she was too good for you. But whatever, that's not what this is about.”

“Then what is it about? Just get to the point already!”

He narrowed his eyes into slits before continuing. “So, after crying for hours and hours over the douche-bag that you are, she called her mother and asked for a couple thousand dollars. Her mother of course didn't ask what it was for, but I guess she kind of knew considering how broken Isabel had sounded.”

“But what did she ask for the money for—”

“—she's leaving, James. She asked her mom for money so she could pack her things and just leave. She. . . She had given you one more chance; one more opportunity to prove that you weren't going to fuck up, but you blew it.” I stared at him in awe for a few seconds before shaking my head in denial, but he simply went on with his explanation. “She has no intention of coming back, either. She told her mom that she couldn't go through with the marriage, and that no matter how hard she tried, you weren't going to change. And now, she's leaving.”

I shook my head as if that were going to change the truth, but it was no good. “Do you know where she's going?”

He nodded. “But she told me not to tell you—”

“—the girl I love is about to get on a plane and leave! Tell me where she's going!”

A strange look took it's place in his eyes, but his expression softened a bit and he nodded again. “She's going to stay with her aunt in Connecticut. She just wants some time to think. . .” Just by hearing him say that, I knew it was a lie. Sure, she was going to think for a bit, but she probably had no intention of coming back. “You're going to go get her, aren't you?”

It wasn't even a question; it was a dare, and I had no intention of not going with it. I had finally come to terms with the idea of being in love with Isabel and I wasn't going to waste the chance to act on it. Now, I just had to get to her before she left and I didn't get to tell her.

Pulling away from Candy's grasp, I walked in the same direction Isabel had only a few minutes ago before running to my car and driving in the direction of the apartment. Now, all I could do was hope that she would still be there. 

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