Love Me Or Hate Me [12-J]

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Watching her leave was probably one of the hardest things that I've done since we moved into this condo—and it had only been a few hours! What the hell was I going to tell my father? 'Oh, we got into a fight because some whore I didn't invite showed up at the house in nothing but a thong and Isabel took it the wrong way and stormed out—oh, and I have no idea where she is.' He would have my head on a platter! And her mom? I didn't even want to think about it. . . 

Still, she said she'd spend the night somewhere else, so I guess I didn't really have to worry. That didn't mean I wasn't going to, but at least it gave me some piece of mind.

Had Candy not called me, so many different things could be happening right now. For starters, Isabel would still be here and though we may not have been having some skin-on-skin fun, we would have at the very least had our first real kiss. Or, she would have gotten super turned on by the kiss and I would have been able to claim that curly haired virgin as mine. But of course, things don't always work out the way we want them to, because now I'm here standing in the hallway with a look of anger and shock written all over my face. Candy was still standing in the doorway, and when I turned around to face her, I guess she understood what I was thinking because she rolled her eyes and walked back into the apartment; me right on her tail.

“Where do you think you're going exactly?”

She shrugged, taking a seat on the couch. “Where does it look like, James? Back inside so I can finish what I started.” With that, she smiled and walked over to me, placing a hand on my chest and pushing me against the counter where Is and I had been only a few hours ago. The memory hit me hard and I couldn't help but frown at how it was interrupted.

Candy must have noticed that I wasn't paying attention to her because she quickly pouted and bit her lower lip. “What's so special about her anyway, James? I mean, why would you tell her where you live and not me? It's not like you've actually ever interacted with that freak before.”

“Watch it, Candy.” My voice was venomous, or so I assumed it was since she flinched and pulled away from me. Right then, I had remembered everything she said to me over the phone and I couldn't help but let my anger get the best of me. “What the hell are you doing here, anyway? Last time I checked, you weren't interested in me.”

She stared at me for a long while before reacting—and when she did, it was with a way too unattractive laugh that sounded like a crossbreed between a horse dying and a cow getting molested. “You think I'm not attracted to you? Oh please.” Taking a step towards me, she began to place small butterfly kisses down my neck and I couldn't help but shudder in disgust; something she took the wrong way because I could feel her hands trailing towards my far-from hard manhood. “I'll always be attracted to you, James. Nothing could ever change that.”

Rolling my eyes, I pushed her away from me just as she began to unzip my pants. The look on her face was priceless, but I kept my composure and simply gave her a poker face. “After what you said to me today—and after what you did—I don't find you attractive in any way, shape, or form. So please, get your coat and get out of my house.”

“But I-”

“-now, Candy. I don't want to have to repeat myself.”

After staring at me for a while to see if I was joking or not, she grabbed her coat off of the floor and walked out of the apartment. Once I was certain that she was gone, I blew out a sigh and a ran a hand through my blonde hair. The only thing I could think of was the look in Isabel's eyes when she left the house, and every fiber in me was telling me to call her and make sure she was OK. But I couldn't do that, because that would mean I was falling for her, and James Smith doesn't fall for anyone!

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