Love Me Or Hate Me [02-J]

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“Tell me you love me, James.” Looking down at the girl underneath me, I tried to remember her name. Jamie? Candy? I don't know, it sounded stripper-like. All I know is, that with another thrust of my hips, she let out a moan and said my name as loud as she could. “Oh, James, tell me you love me!”

Stopping for a few seconds, I stared down at her and narrowed my eyes. “Can't you just be happy that I slept with you and leave it at that?”

Without answering, she sat up and moved her blonde hair behind her back; exposing her breasts. I'm telling you, if she wasn't so bent on making me date her, I wouldn't mind having her around here and there. But of course, just like every other girl, she was head over heals in love with me for no reason. Yeah, I was hot, and yeah, I had money, but that's probably the only reason she wanted me. I may be an asshole, but I wasn't stupid. I knew when someone wanted something from me—and love wasn't it.

We sat in silence for a while, and I watched as she scratched the back of her head. “You know that I've always wanted you, James. Accepting me now would make it so much easier for both of us-”

“-but I don't want you.” When I said that, her eyes turned into slits and she crossed her arms. Even in the dark I could tell that she was beyond aggravated. Me, being a guy who really didn't care about the emotions of easy sluts—or anyone aside from my dog—couldn't have cared less. “I already know the kind of game you're playing, and I want no part of it. Yeah, I'll sleep with you, but it's only because you keep yourself ready for anything, but I wouldn't ever consider dating you—not now, or ever.”

With her jaw clenching, she stood up and began to pick up her clothes. “If you didn't want to be with me, then why didn't you use a condom?”

I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to question her, but when I looked down, I grew wide eyed. I've never done anything without a condom, so how the hell did I forget to this time? “You planned this, didn't you. You knew I didn't have one on, and yet you still did nothing to stop me!”

“Hey,” she crossed her arms, “I didn't tell you not to do anything! It's not my fault you forgot to cover your little friend.”

“Watch it, blondie. There's nothing small about me.”

“Oh really?”

“Well, since you were moaning like no tomorrow, I guess it's safe to say that you liked it. Of course, you must be used to little things, right?” That is pretty much how the next hour or so progressed. We were at her house, and since neither of us wanted to deal with a double English period, we decided to just come here and mess around for a bit. Of course, it always ends the same; us arguing, and making fun of each others body parts—her calling me small; me calling her flat chested. Eventually, we just end up going another round and then I leave and go back home. Everyone in the school knew that we were intimate, but they also knew me well enough to know that I'd never date her. She can sleep with whoever she wants, and so can I, but in the end, she always comes back to me.

Typical chick.

So now, I'm walking home to take a shower and see what idiotic plans my father has made for the night. He just got back from some country—I forgot which one—and every time he comes back, he deems it necessary to test out his new-found language on me. Of course, I end up learning the language as well, but I could go without it. So far, I've learned French, Spanish, and Italian—all against my will. I'm sure it'll come in handy one day, but right now, I could honestly care less about the new foreign language he wants me to learn.

Once I reached my house, I expected to be greeted by my Pitbull mixed Chow Chow, Duke, but he was nowhere in sight. That kind of made me worry considering my dad didn't like him in the house, but if he wasn't outside, where else would he be? His appointment at the vet isn't until next week, and even if that's where he was, I knew my dad wasn't the one who took him.

He hates vets—doctors in general actually.

I couldn't blame him though; I would resent anyone who told me I had a drinking problem and couldn't run my company—if I had one—too. And another thing, his car is in the driveway, so he can't be anywhere else but at home. I could pretty much picture him saying 'Rich Men Don't Walk' in my head right now, but I shook it off. All I wanted to know was where my dog was.

Half running-half walking into my house, I opened the door; hoping that my dog would attack me, but he was still nowhere in sight. Sighing in frustration, I walked into my dads office and saw him with a cup of Jack in his hand, and some woman sitting on the couch opposite his desk. “Where's my dog?”

“James, don't be rude. Introduce yourself-”

“-where is my dog?”

Sighing, he excused himself from the room and came outside to the hallways with me. “Must you be so rude, James? I have a client in the room with me.” When he noticed that I didn't care about that, he pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. “The dog is with a friend of mine. I knew I was having a client over, so I asked her to hold the dog for me.”

I tried to keep my cool, but since I grew up with that dog and he's nowhere to be found, you can assume that I was far from happy. “You can't just go give my dog to someone else! You didn't buy him, and you sure as hell don't take care of him-”

“-James, stop.” His tone held a kind of finality to it, and I knew that if I didn't stop now, he'd go into one of his moods, and that was something I really didn't want to deal with right now. “You'll see your dog at eight o'clock. I didn't want him causing havoc all over the house while my client was here.” I opened my mouth to say something, but he got to it before I did. “I promise you, your dog is in safe hands. I've known this particular friend of mine for years, and she's a real animal lover—just like her daughter.”

When he said 'daughter', I raised an eyebrow and looked at him with a challenging look in my eyes. He knew that I was willing to do anything as long as I got a good 'workout' out of it, so when he made it abundantly clear that this friend of his had a daughter, I knew I couldn't resist. That's probably why he doesn't care that I act like such a man whore; he always gets his way as long as I do too.

Not letting him know that, I grinned and turned around. “Don't you have a client waiting on you? You wouldn't want them to wait, now would you?” And after exchanging a quick look, I walked down the hall and into my bedroom. I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into, but how bad could it be? My dad gets his client and I get to shag some virgin—because come on, we all know that the daughters of big corporate companies are total goody-goodies. They wouldn't do anything to hurt their parents company, so they 'save themselves' for the 'right one' who is going to show up on a golden chariot or something stupid like that.

I was about to lie down on my bed, but then I remembered that I just went three rounds with whatshername and that I most like complete crap. If I had any chance of hooking up with this new girl, I couldn't go over there coated in someone else's sweat and perfume.

That'd just be rude.

Being the gentlemen that I am, I hopped into the shower and made sure any traces of anything but AXE were nonexistent. My hair was in it's usual curly manor, and when I finally decided to step out of the shower, I heard my dad saying goodbye to his new client and excusing my previous behavior. But hey, if the only living thing that you put your trust in was gone one day and you didn't know where he was, wouldn't you be a bit pissed off too?

After wrapping the towel around my waist, I walked into my room and began to look through my clothes for something 'presentable' to wear. My dad was a hot shot, and I'm sure his his 'friend' wouldn't want me dressed down while her virgin daughter is probably going to wear her best church clothes or something like that.

Deciding on a pair of black slacks and a white button down, I dried off my body, staring at myself in the mirror whilst admiring all of my beauty, and quickly got dressed. It was only six, and the dinner wasn't for another two hours, but if I wanted to look sexy in my own house for no reason, who says I can't?

I grinned at my own stupidity, and let out a small laugh; knowing that tonight was going to be very interesting. 

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