Love Me Or Hate Me [10-J]

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Biting the inside of my cheek, I watched as Isabelle angrily stormed into the room and slammed the door behind her. I was about to follow after her, but my phone rang again, and when I looked at the caller ID, I found myself frowning at the name. Of course, I also knew if I didn't pick up, she wouldn't stop, and that's the last thing I wanted.

So, opening the phone, I let every ounce of annoyance fill my voice. “What do you want, Candy.”

“Sheesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Giggling to herself in an almost forced manner, she continued. “Well, I stopped by your house today and your dad let me—nice guy, let me tell you—and he said that you moved out. Now,” she paused, “why wouldn't you tell me you were moving? If I knew any better, I'd say you were avoiding me.”

It took me a few moments to take in everything she said, but once I did, I couldn't help but wrinkle my face in disgust. She had indirectly hit on my father, showed up at my house—thank God I wasn't there—and now she thinks I'm avoiding her. Well of course you're avoiding her! She's old news! Blowing out a sigh, I ran a hand through my blonde hair and leaned back against the counter. “Listen, Candy, I don't want to sound like an ass or anything like that, but I-”

“-then why didn't you tell me?”

“-if you would shut up for a minute, I'd tell you!” Since I had already been annoyed, I didn't bother hiding it. I was going to have a moment with Isabelle and she interrupted it! I didn't even know why it was bothering me, though; I didn't even want this relationship—let alone this marriage—with her, and I made that clear this morning. “Look, I don't want to deal with you anymore. As of lately,” I looked in the direction of the bedroom and felt a frown play on my lips, “I have a lot going on, and dealing with you just makes my life even more difficult, so please just leave me alone.”

At first, there was nothing but silence on the other end, and I actually thought that she was going to simply say 'OK' and hang up, but then she let out one of the most unattractive laughs I had ever heard and she went on speaking. “You're one funny boy, James.”

“How am I being funny? I'm completely serious.”

Laughing again, she waited a few seconds before speaking into the phone again. “You promised me that you'd always be there for me. That I'd be the one that you loved no matter what the circumstances were. You can't tell me that you don't remember.”

Quickly thinking back to freshmen year when Candy and I had dated, I cringed at the memory and held back a groan. Back in freshmen year, I thought Candy was one of the most beautiful girls in the school, and she also was one of the nicest. I fell for her the moment I saw her, which is hard to believe considering I don't fall for anyone, but she messed everything up.

It had been the day after our nine month anniversary, and she had just taken my virginity the night before. She had me wrapped around her finger and she loved it, but not enough to stop her from cheating on me the next day with my now ex-best friend. I went over to her house to spend the day with her, and I found her in her room naked, straddling his hips and with her head thrown back as if she was in pure ecstasy. Only when I called out her name and she looked over at me did she realize she had been caught, and that was the last time I had any feelings for a girl. Why bother getting hurt when they're so easy nowadays? Candy of course didn't see any reason for me to be mad though, because she continued to come around for more—which I eventually caved into. It was an easy night in bed, why turn it away?

Remembering I was on the phone, I shook my head and looked at the spot where Isabelle had been only a few minutes before. “I also remember you cheating on me, so I can happily say f*ck that promise because it means nothing to me.”

She let out a sound that must have been a growl—or rather it surely resembled one—before continuing. Again. “I know every thing about you, James. I was the one who was there when you had to deal with your dad not being around, I was the one who you gave your love to first, and I was the one who let you cry on my shoulder when you found out that your whore mother was alive and didn't want you.”

That's when I snapped. Not only had she disrespected me, but she brought my mother into this. My father didn't even do that, so there was no way in hell I was about to let some whore do it! “Candy, I don't give a damn what happened between us, it's over, so you need to stop calling me.” Keeping myself as calm as I could, I closed the phone and held it tightly in my hand. In a fit of anger, I threw it across the room and I watched as the three parts—the phone, the battery, and the back piece—went in random directions, and I couldn't help but slam my hands down on the counter. Things were going OK for ten minutes, ten minutes before it all got f*cked up again!

Not knowing what else to do, I stormed into the room and walked over to the suit case where my clothes was. I could feel Isabelle's eyes on me the entire time, and the one second that I looked up at her, I instantly regretted it. Her face was streaked with tears, she was holding a pillow to her chest and looking at me with what I could swear was fear in her eyes.

I had opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't really have anything to say to her. Am I the reason that she's crying? Putting down my suit case, I walked over to her, only to have her move back on the bed and shake her head. “Get out, James.” When I didn't move, she quickly wiped her tears and narrowed her eyes into slits. “I'm not joking anymore, get out!”

Letting my anger get the best of me, I took another step forward and walked over to her; throwing the pillow in a random direction and pulled her in my direction. I could see the fear in her eyes slowly disappearing and becoming anger, which I had to say turned me on a bit. Noticing how close we were, I took in her appearance and felt my insides raging. Her brown hair was flowing naturally down her back, her glasses weren't on her face, and the clothes she had on complemented every one of her curves. If I hadn't been so angry—and she hadn't been so. . . Virgin-y—I wouldn't have minded taking her right here.

So, before I could do something that I'd regret, I let her go, grabbed my keys off of the dresser and I walked out of the house. I didn't know where I was going to go; I just had to get out of the house. Whether it was what Candy said, or the way Isabelle stared at me, I felt myself fuming and I just had to get all of the stress out of my system.

Subconsciously driving in the direction of Cathy's house, I pulled into her empty driveway and walked right inside her house. I had remembered her telling me something about her spending the nights alone because of her parents work schedule, and the empty driveway—and darkened house—only proved that that was true.

Each step towards her room, I found myself getting more and more anxious, and when I opened her door and saw her wearing nothing more but her underwear and standing in front of her closet with a towel around her shoulders, I lost all control and walked over to her. At first, she was hesitant and her movements were stiff, but she quickly got the message and kissed me back with as much force she could muster up.

But as soon as we landed on the bed and I pulled away from her, I looked at her eyes and felt my heart stop. She didn't have the pretty brown eyes and her hair wasn't the curly brown color that I was used to seeing. "I. . ." Not knowing what to do, I pulled away from her and put my hands on her my face as I thought back to the brunette that was waiting for me back in the apartment. 

Isabelle. . .


Authors Note:

Dun dun duuuuuuuuun! Is anyone else super pissed at James for what he did just now? I am, and I'm the one who wrote it >_< But, aside from his anger-induced one night stand with Cathy, a few good things did happen in this chapter. We learned a bit of what happened to James' mother (thanks to our good old friend, Candy .-.) 

Another thing, how do you think Is will feel if and when she finds out what James just did? To find out, I'll need four votes and three comments! Vote, vote, vote if you want to see what happens!

- Taleesa :D 

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