Chapter Two

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Krist woke up, feeling the absolute worst, like having a stack of hollow blocks on his head. He was still on the floor, his phone facing down beside him. Blinking, he slowly remembered everything that happened yesterday, from the minute he was fed the news to when he tried to call his ex-boyfriend's unused phone number and passing out both from crying and his intoxication.

"Fuck!" he cursed, as he tried to get up, holding his head in his hand as he winced at the pounding headache in his ear.

Then a loud ringtone resounded in the room, letting out another curse, he picked it up and stood from the floor, going into his bedroom. Sitting down, he heard the angry voice of his manager, "Krist! Where the hell are you? We have a meeting today and you can't be late!"

"P'Boy, with all due respect, could you please stop speaking like I'm deaf? My head hurts," Krist groaned, leaning his back on the mattress.

"Just go get here in thirty minutes. It's a very important project! And I know you're hungover so you better do something."

He widened his eyes, "How did you know that?"

"Because of the news, yesterday, idiot! I know what you do when he's involved."

Rolling his eyes, he quickly bid goodbye to his manager and put down his phone. Sluggishly getting his clothes and stepping into the bathroom, he willed himself to sober up and fix his appearance.

Once he was done and all showered up, he opted for a steaming cup of coffee and a piece of cheese bread from his kitchen. Ensuring that he was not hungover anymore, although he still had a faint headache on the back of his head, he went out of his condo and proceeded to the Grammy Building.

Arriving at the meeting room, he knocked on the door, which was opened by P'Jane, Krist's close friend and Singto's manager, when he was still here.

"Oh, P'Jane, nice to see you. Sorry, I'm la–" He stopped in his tracks as his eyes landed on a particular tan male, who was sitting on one of the chairs inside the room.

Singto stared at Krist, already knowing that he would come and his face fell when Krist's eyes hardened.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Everyone in the room gasped, even their boss P'Tha was taken aback. None of them has ever seen Krist like this before, who curse so profoundly and unabashedly, and it was all directed at the one person they least expected.

Singto locked gazes with him, as he put on his facade, "Why don't you sit down first and remember to respect your elders?"

"I don't need to respect you, you're not my P' anymore. You're no one," Krist snarled, glaring at him with all his anger. The others gawked at the exchange, P'Jane even covered his mouth to cover his gasp of shock.

"Well, okay, that's a start," P'Tha joked, seeing Krist finally settle down on a seat across from Singto, "I see your pretty heated conversation, and I don't think you're gonna like what I'm about to announce to both of you."

"What is it, P'Tha?" Krist softened his tone, as compared to what he said a while ago, his demeanor was now more civil.

"I'll just get straight to the point. Both you and Singto are officially cast for the biggest project of Grammy this year: the BL couple comeback. Since Singto came back and decided he would like to continue working here, we figured it was time to give the fans what they want: a new KristSingto series."

Both the actors' eyes bugged out of their eyeballs as Krist sputtered, "What the–"

"Krist, shut up," his manager, P'Boy nicked him with his elbow.

"W-wait– I don't understand–" Singto tried to speak but Tha held out his hand.

"I'm sorry, Singto. You agreed to a new project, and so has Krist. It has already been decided by the board," Tha tried to reason, looking apologetically at them, continuing, "And we didn't even know you two would be hostile to each other now."

"Shouldn't we be able to decline this?" Krist looked over to Singto who was looking quite bothered with the situation.

"No, I mean, we've been talking about this for months. You can't back out now."

"I've only been informed that I would shoot a new big drama," Krist frowned at him. He's only opposed to the idea because of their past, but he also wanted to give their fans something that they have been waiting for for years.

"This is the big drama," Tha gestured to them, which really wasn't amusing, judging from the look on their faces.

"Okay, look. It will be really hard to back out on this project now. But I will give you a chance to talk it out, and if you really think you can't work together, even if it means making the fans who've supported your journey for years finally happy, then tell me as soon as possible."

Great, now their boss was guilt-tripping them.

Tha left the room, leaving only four people. The two managers, and their clients. Krist kept glaring at Singto to which he returned with a stoic expression. None of them seemed to budge, then Jane cleared his throat, catching their attention.

"You two need to talk it out." Jane motioned for Boy to follow him outside, leaving only two people.

"I don't want to work with you, nor see you," Krist started.

"Well, okay, what a great conversation we are having," Singto hesitantly replied, wanting to get out of Krist's hostile demeanor because frankly, he didn't like it one bit. It's like he didn't even know this person.

"But, I don't want to disappoint the fans, they've been through enough. And besides, I don't want them to get hurt as you did to me," and another jab to Singto's heart.

"You weren't as hostile to me as last night," Singto stated, referring to the call, which sent a shiver down his spine remembering every single word.

"Huh? What do you mean?" The other cocked his head to the side, genuinely confused.

Oh my god, he doesn't know.

"Nothing. Nothing... Are you saying you're agreeing to the project?" Singto dismissed what he said earlier, choosing not to mess up this situation more than it already is.

"Do you have a problem with it?" Krist asked, looking at him in the eye.


"Okay then, let's call out managers so we can get out of here. I want to leave." Without another word, Krist stood up from his chair and left the room.

Singto's blood started to boil as he internalized every single thing Krist did today, and the utter hostility he displayed made him want to bang his head into the concrete. He knew he deserved that, but what he didn't deserve was disrespect.

He didn't know what weighed more in his heart right now, his pain of seeing the one he loved lose all respect and love for him, or the fact that he basically agreed to repeat history all over again.

Oh, this isn't going to be pretty.

Author's Note

Hello everyone! So I updated two fics today, this one and ALWY. Anyway, I'm sorry for Krist's language. I needed to establish his character in this story right away.

BY THE WAY, have you seen Singto today? He's shirtless– Okay that's enough, I need to stop simping, not here on Wattpad lol. Watch me simp on Twitter @perayuhhh :))

I hope you enjoyed the update!


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