Chapter Six

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"Alright, Muffin. I'll take you both home to my apartment. Let me make a call to someone, just stay put in your bags," Singto whipped out his phone to call Krist, using his line to call him. Seeing the last messages they sent about two years ago, he hissed.

"Come on, pick up."

"The number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please try again later."

"Crap," he put down his phone and got Mae Yui's attention, "Mae, can I leave early today? I need to take care of the cats."

"Okay, you can take care of your babies."


"What? I'm right! Just look at them," Yui gestured to the two cats inside the bag, heads peeking out as they stared at Singto.

Grumbling, the actor grabbed the bag and left the building, heading back to his condominium, only stopping at the local pet store he knew to buy kibble. The cats were clearly pleased, being with their other parent again, and Singto couldn't help but awe at how they still remembered him even after his scent faded from Krist's body and home.

"Hey Pluto, your food is right there, you can stop clinging to me now," he said, trying to pry Pluto away from his lap, and Muffin enjoying her food from the side. Pluto still didn't budge and continued to purr in delight as he basked in the warmth of Singto's comfort.

"Meow!" Again, another loud sound emitted from the cat not so far from them, he looked to see Muffin's bowl completely empty.

"Oh wow, this is why you keep growing bigger because you eat too much! Come here."

Singto placed Pluto beside him on the couch and scooped Muffin up, carrying her, and placing her onto his lap, "You feel heavier than Pluto."

The other cat patted the hairy one with his paw, a little agitated that he wasn't the one on Singto's lap. Pluto was clearly very attached to him, and it was not questionable as he and the cat had a strong bond especially when he always comes home to Krist's condo. He also paid equal attention to Muffin yet Pluto and him kind of always got along, sometimes Krist would tease him.

"Now, how can I contact your father, hm?" He asked the two oblivious felines craning their heads in confusion.

"God, you both are so adorable," he could cry at how much they looked cute right now. Picking up his phone, he dialed Krist on his LINE again for the nth time today and finally, he picked up the call.



"P— Singto?"

"Yeah, it's me. I've been calling you and you didn't pick up."

"Why are you calling me?" He heard a shuffle in the background, and then a door closing.

"I'm with Pluto and Muffin right now."

"What? How? Where's Bank?"

"Bank said he needed to do something and he thought you are going to take care of them today since you requested it," A hiss was heard.

"Damn it, Bank. I just finished my meeting today, I'm going to pick them up."

"I'm not at the building, I'm at my condo, in case you will go to the wrong place."

"The old one?"

Frowning, he nodded, scratching the back of Pluto's ear, "Yeah."


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