Chapter Four

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If anyone would be asking why Krist looks like he's constipated right now, he would answer you with a string of curses. He's usually a bright ray of sunshine and would rarely let out profanities but ever since Singto went abroad, he's become a little less soft. Krist is actually asking himself right now, where the fuck did Mae Yui get this idea?

He was seated on a small stool, eyes focused on another pair in front of him, also seated. The brown eyes of his ex-boyfriend, piercing through his soul. Krist tried so hard to glare at him, to divert all his anger to his gaze. All the other crew members were seated around him, Mae Yui was chuckling on the side and he could swear, the friends he treasured dearly, Off, Gun, Tay, and New were snickering to themselves.

The younger wanted to just curl up in a ball and bury himself six feet underground, he would rather die than stay another minute here. Who would even like to have a staring contest with your ex? That's just absurd. He was concentrating so much on winning that he noticed Singto's face coming closer and closer until he nudged his head forward, causing Krist to panic.

Flustered as he was, he fell out of the stool, tumbling down and a hand reached to grab him but it was too late, his dignity was lying on the floor, "Shit!"

"Kit! Are you okay?" Singto's worried expression greeted him, as well as the familiar nickname he learned to hate.

"Don't call me that." He dusted himself off, as the others helped him back to the stool, cheeks flushed from humiliation.

Everyone noticed the sharp tone of the actor and chose to avert their gazes elsewhere, feeling awkward to witness a tense scene. Mae Yui cleared her throat, "Singto is the winner for this game. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Can we play other games, Mae?" Singto was exhausted, an emotional toll taking over him from Krist's outburst. Mae Yui nodded and started to play another game, this time focusing on the other cast members.

Krist excused himself for the rest of the afternoon, saying that he had an interview. Leaving his co-actor alone for the workshop, never batting an eyelash. Singto watched as the younger left the room, and he felt a hand on his back, shadows towering over him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Tay asked, Off was beside him. The actor shook his head, frowning.

"No, it's okay."


"Krist, tell us about your songwriting! We heard you're working on new songs to release," the interviewer, Mei, asked him.

Krist smiled at her, and nodded, "Yes, actually. I'm working on a little something right now, but I don't think I can spoil any of it to you guys. I'm having a bit of trouble with finding inspiration, though."

"Oh? This is an interesting point. Hm, what kind of inspiration are you finding right now? Anything in mind, or any person in mind?" Mei teased him, careful not to be too assertive but enough to be speculative. Krist knew what she was doing but chose to ignore it.

"No, not really. I'm not looking for a relationship right now," he let out a fake smile, rehearsed and maintained. Mei felt disappointed that there wasn't anyone in his life right, now. She looked at her notes and internally grimaced, knowing that her producers forced her to ask this question, Krist was uninformed by this.

"How about your former co-actor, Singto Prachaya? I heard he just got back from the states. Have you met him lately? Any reunion stories?"

The actor blinked, heart skyrocketing, stomach-dropping. He knew this was an invasive question, and noticed that the interviewer visibly felt tense. The producers were the probable cause of this. He needed to talk to them later.

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