Chapter Three

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"Why does the universe hate me? Tell me, Mike. Did I do something wrong in my past life?"

Mike sent a deadpanned look in his direction, continuing to sip his cola, "Aren't you overreacting a little bit?"

"I'm not overreacting!" Krist threw his hands, angrily munching on his chicken rice, "I really don't want to see that person ever again."

"Says the guy who dated him for three years."

A paper towel was thrown at Mike and landed right on his face. He groaned, taking the tissue off, and glared at his best friend, "Krist, you're a much more respectful human being than this."

"I am! I'm respectful to everyone, Mike. I haven't changed."

"You literally cursed at him the first time you've met after two whole years," this earned Mike a scowl from the other.

"I've decided that he's not worth my time anymore," he sighed, "this really destroys my whole mood."

"Well good luck, you're in for a year of meeting him every day and going to award shows and fan meetings. You're still not done yet."

"We're supposed to have at most 10 months of shooting," Krist said, taking a small bite, "And what makes you think we'll be having fan meetings and award shows?"

"Do you remember the last time you had a BL drama with him? Years of constantly winning, and traveling around the world to meet fans. Does any of it ring a bell?"

Slumped down on his seat, Krist put his head in his hands, "Mike, I can't do this. I hate him."

"Are you sure about that?" The other quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes, I'm sure. A hundred percent."

"Then there won't be any problem. Can't you just patch things up with him and be civil, at least?"

"Singto makes my blood curdle. And yes, I know for the sake of all of this to work, I have to be on good terms with him."

Mike shook his head, his friend is truly an idiot.

"So, what will you do?"

"Pretend like nothing ever happened between us."

Facepalming, Mike hissed at him, "Are you purposely being obtuse with me? How in the world can you pretend like nothing ever happened, when everything happened between the two of you?"

"Okay fine, I'll hate his guts blatantly and forget everything when we're in front of the camera," Krist looked proud of himself when in actuality, he's not really helping his situation.

"Everyone will watch you during filming and workshops," his best friend warned him, "Please don't do anything stupid."

Krist stood up, finished with his meal. Heading to the back to dispose of the utensils, he patted Mike on the shoulder, "Don't worry. I never do anything stupid."

Mike watched as his friend walked away, rolling his eyes as all he heard from his friend was pure crap.

'I hate him' my ass.


A week after their reuniting encounter, they were scheduled for another meeting and orientation of the workshop. Throughout the entire week, Krist was fussing over not contacting his co-actor, even if his manager P'Boy was practically shoving his phone down his throat. Insisting on apologizing to Singto, P'Boy berated him on being respectful and stop being such an ass to him.

Of course, being the stubborn rock that Krist is, he never batted an eyelash to him, ignoring his manager the best that he can.

Boy was always scratching his head in annoyance; Krist never behaved this way before, he was always kind to everyone, especially his ex-boyfriend. He knew the general idea of what happened between them two years ago, but not enough to gauge how much trauma it has caused the both of them.

It seemed like Singto didn't even know that Krist would be so hostile to him, judging from his shocked expression the minute Krist lashed out.

Krist was adamant about giving his co-actor the silent treatment, even if he was sitting right next to him. His manager was glaring at him from the side while their director, P'Aof, discussed the plan of the shoot; the plot, and how the characters will be portrayed.

He looked around, spotting many familiar faces, Off, Gun, Tay, New, Namtan, and Godji, as well as other actors from their company. Noticing that they had a significantly big number of people, he knew this was an important project.

"Let me give you a brief summary of the plot. As for the main protagonists; Krist, your character is named Sunny, while Singto's character is named Plathong."

The actors nodded, urging him to continue, "The gist of the story will be somewhat of rags to riches kind. Sunny is a simple, lighthearted aspiring musician who wants to make his music known and reach the people. Plathong, on the other hand, is the sole heir of his family's music label corporation. Polar opposites; one is an optimistic, social butterfly while the other is a stoic, awkward person."

"It makes absolute sense," Krist mumbled, which was clearly heard by the man beside him.

"Something you want to say?" Singto asked.

Krist gave him a scowl and shook his head.

"Now that everything is quite settled, I will be giving the full hard copies of the final script as well as the digital copies in your emails," Aof clapped his hands as he stood to the side to let a woman step in front, the projected screen changing from the words Meeting to Workshop.

Like a jolt of electricity shot through him, Krist bounced in his seat as he realized that they will now be talking about the workshop.

Oh god, workshops are the worst.

In reality, Krist liked workshops as they helped him make new friends and get comfortable with his co-actors. But in this particular situation, he wasn't the least bit excited about what will transpire. Considering that they will be cast as lovers, the workshop activities will be much much harder, forcing them to be in each other's space and talk to each other.

"Hello, everyone. Most of you may know me by now, I'm Yui, you can call me Mae Yui. I am assigned to be your workshop facilitator, and I am very looking forward to working with you all. Don't worry, we don't begin today," this earned a chuckle from the staff, "but I would like everyone to have a first impression on each other, even if we probably know everyone by now."

Yui beckoned for everyone to stand up and follow her to the Creative Space of the building, this is where they will hold the workshops. Krist found this as a way to not be close to his co-actor and sit on the opposite corner of him inside the big room. Mae Yui knew about their past relationship with each other, however, she didn't have a clue on what made it end or how it became like it is today.

"Of course, we should start with our lead actors, right? Where are they?" She scanned the room and noticed the two who had an unnecessary distance between them.

"Krist, Singto, come here in front and sit down beside each other."

Krist groaned, his mood turning sour by the second. The other actors in the room were looking at them with curious eyes; like Off who was absolutely failing in trying to hide his whispering to Tay. The other responded with a shrug and sent a pointed look to Singto.

Once they were sitting on the floor, on the center of the cast who were seated around them, Yui grinned.

"Let's play a quick game, shall we?"

Author's Note

For the next chapter, I plan to put it more in Singto's perspective. This boi needs more attention. I hope you liked this update!


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