i'll stay (lev)

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Haiba Lev

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Haiba Lev

Lev wakes up suddenly because of two things. One: a thunder sounds too close for his liking and second: his bed shakes like a fucking earthquake. He is actually about to jump the hell out of said bed, but when he looks, he finds someone grabbing his sweater sleeve as if their life depends on it.

"What the –?", he starts. Is dark, he is more asleep than awake, and he doesn't understand why the hell someone just jump on his bed like a serial killer was behind them.

He uses his large arm to get to the night table and turn the lamp on. It takes him a few tries, but when he turns around again, is to find that his roommate is holding onto him while looking at the window with a scared expression.

"What happen?", he asks, trying not to yawn. His answer comes with another thunder and lightning illuminating the room. You almost jump over him when the thunder shakes the place a little at the same time the lamp goes off indicating that electricity is gone with it too.

Lev is about to complain and maybe move to get candles, but he stops when you grab his entire arm.

"D-don't", you whisper, and he turns to look at you again.

He is confused since you are never like this. Well, is not like he knows much of his roommate, but the fact that you sound dead scared of whatever show Mother Nature is throwing outside, makes him frown confused.

"Are you afraid of the dark?", is the first thing that comes to his mind, even if he thinks that you don't look like that type of person.

Before you can answer, there is another lighting and a few seconds later, another thunder can be heard, and Lev can feel you tense up again. That's what makes him realize that is not the dark what you are afraid of.

"You are afraid of thunder", is not a question, it sounds more like he just did a discovery that deserves all media's attention. (Well, is not like he doesn't have the attention. He does have a lot since he is a model).

"Ju-just stay", you whisper again, and a smirk appears on his face, even if is too dark for you to see it.

"Okay", he answers, and you move a little, not too far because thunder is still sounding every few seconds and you totally hate them, but enough so he can lay down again in bed.

You lay down next to him too, forgetting about the fact that is rude to jump in other people's bed. Lev appears to not mind since he even helps you to cover yourself with his blankets and he lets you hold onto him.

"I didn't think you will be afraid of thunder", he says, with a mocking tone.

"S-shut up", you whisper, and he chuckles.

"I'm not mocking you", he uses his other hand to pat you in the head. A second later a white quick light invades the room, but it disappears fast to let the thunder come.

You hide your face on his arm and grab tighter into him. Lev even swears he can feel you shake a little. When he looks at you, he finds that you are shaking.

"Oi", he calls, but you don't move nor acknowledge him.

He takes your shaking hands that are holding onto him in his hand and moves until he is laying on the arm you were holding onto. He puts your hands in his chest and you grab his sweater like your life depends on it. Lev, then, surrounds you with his arms in a hug and pushes you into his chest, until your head is under his chin.

"Is okay, I'm here", he says, rubbing your back.

Your body shakes again when another thunder is heard but this time the shaking is accompanied by a quiet sob. Lev tries to get closer to you even if it is not physically possible.

"I'm here. I'm not going to leave you alone, okay? I'll stay with you", you don't answer, you simply fist his sweater tighter.

You sob again and Lev surprises himself when he starts to panic. You two have never been close, not really. You only live together because is comfortable that way, both of you have the money to live alone, but neither like that idea because is boring and lonely. But even if you're not close, is so weird to see you losing yourself to fear, it feels so wrong to Lev since you are always the composed, serious and calmer of the two. So, he decides that he needs to do something and fast because he is starting to panic.

He suddenly starts to sing. He feels like he is out of place because the lighting is falling outside and thunder is shaking the earth and it feels like the world is ending for you, but he sings and tries not to stop. He is not singing just anything; he is singing one of those Russian lullabies they used to sing to him when he was little and couldn't sleep.

He continues to rub your back and then your hair and while he sings just for you to hear, you quietly and gradually stop crying.

A few hours later, Lev wakes up to an empty bed and a gone you, but to a delicious breakfast and a note that simply said: Thanks.

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