Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Today is Friday and I just came back from work and all the way from work to home I've been debating with my self , I truly need a social life so I decided that I would go to the park by 3pm. The weather is perfect for my little outing , even though I'll just be reading my self a book but atleast I will be amongst people.

I prepared everything I was going to need the park is only a walking minutes away from my house so I do not have to get a taxi so I took the things I needed them left.

I got to the park and found a place under a tree that overlooked almost the whole park . I put my things down.


I was too deep in my book that I did not notice a guy sitting down and opening my wine.

"Wenzani?" (What are you doing?.) I said louder that I meant to.
" I'm drinking the wine" he answered and continued drinking my cheap wine as if I'm not even here infront of him breathing fire. He startled me because I was so lost in the book that I'm reading I didnt even notice him coming next to me because people has been passing by me a lot since I got here, it doesn't help that this park is very popular.
" so you came all the way from where ever you come from to disturb my peace?" I asked rudely , vele naye he is being rude by drinking my wine without my permission
" I'm here with my daughter, you see that cutie there by the swings? Yea that one she found friends and left me all alone , then i saw you sitting alone and I thought why dont I grace you with my amazing presence " he said and opened my chips
" Stop that, and who said I want your presence here?" I asked him and tried to take my chips from him
" ufundani?" He asked the obvious ( what are you reading?)
"Incwadi obviously " ( a book) he was just irritating me , I wanted him gone.
" manje usucasukile?" ( you're now angry?) fortunately for him I'm not angry I'm just annoyed that he disturbed my peace plus I was just reading this erotic part in the book, just when things were starting to get hot. Hehehe wasnt it me that said I have no social life and now just when a living human being talks to me mina ngizoba rude, ai let me just entertain him for a few minutes.
I put the book down and looked at him. I can see that I will never get my peace unless I get rid of him nicely , damn he's so fine.
" Igama ngiwu Ndabezinhle, Ndabezinhle Nxumalo" he said passing me his hand for a handshake
" I'm Omuhle Xaba, you can leave now before you finish my snacks cause the way you are eating them "
" Umuhle Omuhle , Muhleza " ( you're beautiful Omuhle, )
" Thanks" I gave him the fakest smile ever
" Can I have your number?" He asked
" Why ?" Why would he want my number ?
" ukuze ngizokukhipha siyodla , ngifuna ukukwazi kancono angifuni sidlale umacashelana simoshe isikhathi ngokuthi wena ulokhu ungala , oZwide bavumile ntokazi ukuthi wena ungowami , well in this case uzoba ngowami " (So that I can take you out, I want to get to know you better, I don't want us to play hide and seek and waste time by you rejecting me, my ancestors agree with me that you are mine, well in this case you'll be mine) he said confidence dripping in his words
I laughed out loud, he honestly made me laugh from when he started talking about me being his, I don't know where does his ancestors enter in all of this.
He just stared at me as if he got electrocuted by my laugh and I caught my self, I shouldn't be laughing with the enemy of my peace of mind.
" wow, you have a beautiful laugh"
" well what else that I have that is beautiful?" I asked sarcastically because it seems like he is planning on charming my pants off, unfortunately for him I'm not charmed and my pants are locked with many locks.
" Everything, even your parents named you Omuhle because they saw this beauty you have" he said looking at me in the eyes, well I'm not gonna lie this guy is handsome, definitely not my type- note that I do not even have a type but he is way out of my league and he also smells really nice.

When he talked about my parents he just ruined the whole mood, I wasn't about to show him that I was uncomfortable talking about anything called parents because he does not know me.
" Look at the time, it's late and I'm sure your daughter needs his father now" I said trying to get rid of him.
" I can see you want to get rid of me so badly , I now know your name so I'll get your number my self "
" Goodluck with that" I said cause I knew for a fact that he would never get it even if he tried.
" you are leaving already?" He asked as he saw me tidying up
" Yea it's late and you know it's not safe out there for us ladies "
" I can take you home" he offered
" Ah I live around the corner so there is no need" Damn it didn't have to tell him that , he smiled
" well now I know where you live, I'll just ask anyone from here to show me where you live, tomorrow by 7pm I'll be at your gate, I'm taking you out" he said matter of factly
" I'm not going to be home " I said and stood up.
" keep the wine, you can't afford it vele " I told him and I left
I heard him laughing behind me, ofcourse he can afford it I'm just playing with him.

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