Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I got to my house feeling all giddy inside and i just felt like giggling as if im still a teenager, a teenager crazily inlove. I had the best night of my life, others may think that my date was just average but to me it was the best thing ever cause i am so used to sitting at my couch watching tv or just reading .
I took off my shoes, i have juice in my frigde i should drink it just so i can get my mind working again because its just not working right now.

The next morning which was Sunday i decided that I'm going to church, infact I've felt like going to church for a while now . I mean i havent been to church in years because i felt like it was God's fault every thing bad thats been happening in my life. He has not been the father that the pastors always preach about, in a way i was questioning his will because how could he allow my mother to burn me or maybe it was some sort of a lesson, maybe i was meant to learn something that day of which i dont know what it is till this day. I just hate when people always tell you to pray. even after i burned people always kept on telling me to pray, how would have prayer helped me? . But going back to church might help me remember why i believed in God in the first place.

I quickly cooked porridge, im craving for amasi today because i haven't had them in a while now. Some might wonder why im not cooking Sunday kos but i live alone so who would i eat all that food with? . Anyeays i finished cooking then i boiled water so that i can bath.

The church that i wanted to go to was a bit far and it started at Ten and it now 9:30 . I got out of the house , locked the door and quickly went to the corner to wait for yhe taxi. Luckily it came sooner than i anticipated cause i was kind of nervous because i havent been there and now people will be looking at me all funny as if I'm new at church . I hope the pastor will not ask me to come forward and introduce my self. Thankfully i wont be late we all know the church people and staring.
I decided to walk back to the house , walking is very refreshing hey, just alone with your thoughts, sadly this one was not as i thought it would be because this road is very busy with people passing and also cars . My phone ping'd with a message from Ndabenhle , i last heard from him yesterday
" Unjani mabhebeza?" Whaat? Mabhe-what? This guy does not see me hhaii.. im not mabhebheza mina .

I texted him back with a simple hello and then he decided to call me.
" hey Ndabe" i answered with a little smile
" Muhle, ukuphi ngathi usemsindweni?" He asked
" ngiphuma esontweni and i decided to walk" i answered him
" But it's hot to walk , im coming to fetch you , where are you at exactly?" I could hear that he was moving around, perhaps looking for his car keys .
" No, dont come, i just wanted to get some fresh air" i declined his offer politely
" Too late im already walking to my car, besides its too hot for a walk you will get sun burns " this guy is impossible
" its not that hot , and im wearing long sleeves"
" more the reasons of why i should fetch you, heat will make you faint or do you want to faint?" He asked sarcastically
" ofcourse not, you know what drop the call so that i can send my location" he laughed then dropped the call. I seriously can never win with him.
I sent the location on WhatsApp then i decided to wait for him , not continue walking because since he talked about the heat im starting to feel it also.

He arrived and parked next to where i was standing. I got in the car and greeted , he is with his daughter for the why i dont know.
" This is Sphokuhle my daughter" i smiled and greeted her and also introduced my self as his father's friend. She has a beautiful name.
" I promised Okuhle that i will take her to buy ice cream , can we go together?" I looked at him as if he was crazy , he also looked at me.
" Yea sure, i could also use some. The heat i endured waiting for you is too much, i did not think that it was this bad" he laughed and started driving , he sure loves to laugh.
" I told you that the heat would get to you but you thought that i was just being crazy, yabonake ukuba i thoughtist kunjani" i smiled and looked away , he is funny
" just drive"

He later dropped me at home and i was really tired and starving and sticky . I ate amasi ami first then i went to bath. I guess tomorrow I'll have to eat ii plate at work cause im not seeing my self cooking .
I do not even know when i fell asleep but i could hear my cellphone ringing while i was deep in my sleep. I woke up and looked at the time , 9pm. I did not dare check who was calling my sleep is calling me. I put it on silent and fell asleep.

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