Life as a Vampirette Part 5

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We took the bodies with us out of the window after Scarlett made sure we had not spilled any blood on the carpet. I knew we had to cover our tracks.

" What about our fingerprints, on the window and the alarm clock?" I asked Scarlett anxiously.

" Vampires don't leave fingerprints, silly." she replied calmly.

" What?"

" How do you think we get away with so many murders in the world?"

" What if a vampire is arrested, and their fingerprint is taken?"

" And how would a vampire get arrested, eh? The policeman would chase him down the street would he? We make sure we always cover our tracks and besides, if any of us did ever get in trouble it's the easiest thing to simply disappear."

" Of course, silly me." I frowned. I was going to have to learn a lot about being a vampirette.

After shutting the window behind me i jumped off the roof and landed on my feet quietly. We carried the bodies down to the end of the field, close to a small stream. I didn't look at the elderly woman, lying dead in my arms, I didn't want to see her face again, I didn't want to be reminded that I was a murderer even though it was the only thing I was thinking about.

Scarlett tossed the mans body to the ground and got down beside a few small trees by the stream and started digging with her bare hands. In less than a minute she had enough space in the hole to lay the mans body in. I gently put the old woman's body on the grass. Scarlett watched me walk towards her and get down on my knees. I dug a little deeper into the hole Scarlett had made so there was room for the two bodies. Scarlett grabbed the man and put him into the hole. I lifted the dead woman and laid her on top of of the old man. We both buried the humans with the soil. It didn't look too strange beside the lifted soil under the trees.

"I don't have a compass so I can't tell if America is in this direction or that." Scarlett motioned with her hands. "All I know is that we are in Ireland, so we were heading more or less the right way when we set off the first time. " She frowned. " I know where America is on a map, it's west of the UK. So if we could just find where west is..."

I looked up into the night sky. "This way." I pointed.

" How did you know?" Scarlett looked confused.

" The North Star." I pointed to the brightest star in the sky. " Never." I turned 90 degrees clockwise. " Eat." I turned another 90 degrees. " Slimey." I turned again. " Worms. West is there."

Scarlett smiled. " Now why didn't I think of that?"

I smiled back at her. " Come on then." I bent over slightly so she could climb on my back. I ran at full speed before lightly leaping into the air. I flew up high into the air until I could not see any ground below. Staying west, I flew as fast as I could manage and this time I was not tired at all, my first feed had given me a welcomed boost of energy.

" How long do you think it will take until we get there?" Scarlett asked me.

" Hmm...let me see." I dived down quickly. Scarlett screamed and I laughed at her. I looked down. There was black water beneath us. " Well, there's the ocean."

Scarlett looked down. " Wow! This is unbelievable!" she squealed.

" At this rate, I think we are going faster than the average airplane."

" That's so cool. Lucky you being able to fly like this, eh?"

" Aren't you glad you've got a friend like me?" I boasted. Scarlett bursted into the chorus of 'You've got a friend in me' out of Toy Story and I sang along.

About an hour later I noticed land far away below us. " Hey look that's America, there it is!"

Scarlet eyes widened. " You're right! We have arrived!"

I smiled as I stared ahead at where my new future would begin.


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