Chapter 10

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Oh my goodness.." Elena gasped and she felt faint from the information that she had just learnt. "So - w-wha - - what does this mean then?" she asked desperately as her eyes flickered over the group, wanting their opinion on what they should do. She couldn't believe that she didn't make the connection before. In Jeremy's past life he had been mauled to death by werewolves, acting as the catalyst for their mother to turn them into vampires against their will and Klaus Mikaelson was half werewolf. She felt as if she was going to be sick. All the information was suddenly too hard to process.

"I don't really understand how this changes anything," Bonnie said at last. "Remember the recording of what Jeremy said? He said that it was his fault and that - -" her words were cut off when Jeremy walked into the living room of the house. He had come back home after his date with Tyler and heard voices from the living room. He was surprised that they had all congregated at his house to talk as usually they went up to the Boarding house but not this time. He had heard what Bonnie said - that alone was her confession of her betrayal. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking at her, his eyes blazing.

"Recording huh?" he snorted. "So this is you admitting to blatantly lying straight to my face when I asked you not to tell Elena?" he asked as his voice rose little by little. "I told you that in confidence! I trusted you because I knew that you'd understand, knowing that you're a witch but you went behind my back -" he cursed. "Not even behind my back you recorded the whole fucking thing" Jeremy couldn't even breath. He took heaving breaths, his breath ragged and he shuddered in anger. This was the exact reason why he kept things to himself because he knew that one day someone who he trusted deeply would double cross him.

" You are a backstabbing witch!" he pointed an accusing finger in Bonnie's direction. She was shocked in total silence. "This is the reason why I can't trust any of you!" he screamed, feeling hot underneath his skin. He released his arms from his chest and made his hands hung at his sides, clenching his fists, his chest heaving up and down.

Elena was about to speak but he just raised his hand, cutting her off. This made flames rise up and lick across the coffee table, engulfing the whole thing into flames. But Jeremy wasn't finished. "People have been leaving me in the dark for way too long!" he screamed, his eyes stinging with tears. His emotions were causing his magic to get out of control. Flames were now licking up the curtains. It was only then when Jeremy had understood what he had done. "I - - what the hell happened?!" he shouted, throwing his hands up in the air, causing the ceiling to catch aflame. Things were out of control.

Stefan lunged towards the floor, suddenly feeling the rising heat. Elena had jumped over the couch and crouched down, shaking. What was happening to her brother?! Why had he become out of control all of a sudden? She felt dizzy. Caroline just screamed and hid behind Elena, her heart leaping towards her chest. She was in shock. She knew that it wasn't Bonnie so the only explanation was Jeremy. "What's going on..?" she began to say but Elena's broken expression made her be quiet.

Bonnie swiftly waved her hand, throwing Jeremy against the wall, knocking him out, his magic subsiding as a result. The smoke and dust that was caused by the flames made the cough and wave their hands, trying to see past the smoke. "What on earth was that?!" Caroline said in between coughs. The ceiling was burnt to a crisp as was the table. The curtains had also suffered the same fate. Damon got up from the floor from where he was crouched down, trying to get away from the teenagers sudden emotion - loaded attack. "That's what I'd like to know!" he screamed. "Does reincarnation cause side effects?!!" he exclaimed, his icy blue eyes flashing.

Bonnie was frantically trying to come up with an explanation but nothing came out of her mouth. She was trying to deal with his confrontation but he had almost caused the whole house to set alight. Jeremy had magic? "I'm sorry, but I have to go," she said in a breathless rush as she gathered her jacket and bag and stumbled towards the door, her head spinning, ignoring the cries of protests. She had to get away. She couldn't understand what happened and she felt a little bit scared.

𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐊 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍, 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now