Chapter 13

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Uncle John was back - after all the trouble he had caused, he was back. Neither Jenna, Elena or Jeremy were happy (but they weren't surprised) at his return. Jenna glanced at his suitcase and bag and tried her best to hold in her grimace. "How long are you staying for?" she couldn't help but ask. John turned to look at her from the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, not long" he cryptically replied and made his way up towards the spare room. Jenna groaned and rolled her eyes.

Out of all the people in the world, he was the one who just had to make an appearance. Elena and Jeremy had the same expressions. "I'll just look up some spell to lock him in his room or something," he muttered and Jenna chuckled but Elena didn't look too happy.

Jeremy walked into the high school the next week, trying to spot Luka. When he spotted him he grinned and walked over towards him, but Bonnie had already gotten there first. "Of course she has," he muttered underneath his breath and started to walk in the opposite direction when he slammed into a warm chest.

He blinked for a few moments and looked up, a blush instantly colouring his cheeks and nose. It was Tyler, looking at him with a twinkle in his eye. "Hey Tyler," he said in a soft tone of voice. Tyler looked at the teen and gently lifted his chin so that he could look at him. "Jeremy," the older teenager said and said teen couldn't hold back the shiver that rushed up his spine when the elder said his name.

The way that the male had said his name caused waves of pleasure flow through him and Tyler picked up on this. The lad smelt incredible and it took every inch of willpower to not grab the teen and to bury his face into his neck and to inhale the delectable scent that was coming off from him.

Ever since he found out that he was a werewolf, everything smelt so lovely, but Jeremy smelt the best. He released his hand from his chin and asked , "are you OK?" he asked gently. Jeremy looked up into his eyes. "I'm OK, but I could be better though" he admitted at last. Tyler smiled softly. "I can make you feel better, if you want" he suggested with a soft smile, a playful light shining in his eyes. Jeremy's eyes lit up. "You can" he asked hopefully, stepping closer towards him, making Tyler's breath hitch when he got another whiff of his scent.

"With a kiss," he whispered softly and Jeremy blushed. "I want it," he replied in a soft tone as he put his arm on his jacket, wrapping his hand around his rucksack. Tyler grinned and gently wrapped his arms around his waist and captured his lips in a gentle kiss. He was finally kissing Jeremy, the boy whom he had grown to love so much.

He didn't care about the fact that they were kissing outside the school where they had an audience - it was just him and Jeremy. He tasted as good as he smelt and he couldn't help but groan softly into the kiss as Jeremy nipped his bottom lip and pulled away. "Tease" he grumbled but he was smiling. Jeremy giggled and placed another kiss onto his lips. "I know"

Their little moment was interrupted by Elena. "What are you doing with, Jeremy, Tyler?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "That's none of your business" Tyler growled underneath his breath in annoyance. Elena huffed and went up to him, pulling him away from her brother. Tyler shrugged her off him with another low growl. "Stefan told you to stay away! Why don't you listen?" she hissed. She couldn't believe that this was happening. She had walked towards the school, hoping for a normal day when she caught Tyler kissing Jeremy.

Now Tyler was really angry. "Listen, I don't know who you think you are, but you cannot control whom I'm in love with," he said with a scowl. He didn't particularly want to make a scene, for Jeremy's sake. Jeremy sighed softly and rubbed his temples. He looked around but nobody was really paying attention to them. He looked over at the picnic bench where Bonnie was with Luka. He then turned his attention to Elena. "Elena, please just go. He's not going to hurt me" he said calmly as he could.

𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐊 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍, 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now