Chapter 37

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Jeremy was worried about Finn. He was currently watching him sleep. He had cloaked his heartbeat so that Finn wouldn't find out about his presence. He was suspicious but not of his brother. Rather he was suspicious of Esther. Something wasn't sitting well with his spirit. He knew that Esther must have done something to him. He could sense the magic in the house when she wanted to speak to him. Because he didn't trust her one bit, her using magic in the house made him uneasy.

He was worried that Esther might do something in order to manipulate his magic so that it wouldn't be able to work properly or she would take it away from him like she did to Kol and Finn. Disgust and fear crept into his bones as he quickly shook the thought away from himself. He couldn't bear to think of something so terrible.

He sat down by his bed as he watched his sleeping face, the gentle rise and fall of his chest. He could see the tired lines on his face. He knew that he was in the coffin for the longest out of all the siblings. He had helped him with much as he could but Finn had a strong dislike of the modern world and wanted to go back to what it was centuries before. He felt a little bad for what he was about to do but he was extremely worried about what was going on. He knew that something was up and he was going to find out exactly what it was.

He closed his eyes and put his hands on either side of his head, trying to go into his mind. What he saw made his heart ache and made him understand at least a little bit of what he was going through. 9OO years he was daggered and he was conscious for some of those years.

He was able to hear everything that was going on while being stuck in a dagger induced coma, knowing that nobody would bother to release the dagger from his chest. He saw how he was carted around as extra luggage, stowed away like an expensive ornament.

He watched as some people stumbled across his coffin and opened it, wanting to take the dagger out but were always stopped, mainly by Klaus and Elijah. He wondered why they allowed him to be in there for so long. None of their siblings to be suck in there for nearly as long as Finn. Did they really hate him? Was he really that bad?

It was safe to say that Jeremy was extremely disappointed in them, but he loved them nonetheless. "So that's why he was always stretching himself and always seemed to be in so much pain," he whispered to himself. His heart ached for his elder brother and he felt sympathy for him. He couldn't imagine what it must have been like to wake up in a world that he didn't understand.

Being stuck in the same position for 9 centuries must have given him some nasty side effects. His limbs must have been stiff as anything not to mention the constant ache and tiredness along with not understanding anything of the current century, hence why Jeremy always tried to help him so that he wouldn't be so lost. But he couldn't seem to find out about what Esther had done to him.

Then a feeling of dread began to creep into his very bones. Esther had taken his memories away. She must have used every single insecurity against him in order to help her with whatever disgusting plan she had come up with.

Jeremy decided to leave him alone after that. He felt like he had snooped enough. He just had to catch Esther in the act of what she was doing. Jeremy slipped out of Finn's room and into his own. He had so much to think about. He didn't risk using magic when Esther was around because he just could not trust her. He shut the door behind him and took out one of the Martin witches grimories' to find if there was anything to counter repressed memories. He didn't want Finn to be Esther's mindless servant. But the difficult thing was, he had been like that since the beginning.

He remembered faintly that his eldest brother was always doing their mother's orders. Heck, the only reason why Finn even began to practice magic was because their mother insisted on it. He sighed softly as he turned over a page, his eyes scanning the texts written. He had a fleeting thought to call Bonnie and ask her what she knew but he knew that they weren't particularly on speaking terms. After everything that had happened over the past months, he doubted they would ever be on those terms again.

𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐊 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍, 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now