Chapter 18

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After Jeremy's rant, the group only had a little time left before Klaus would come and collect Elena and complete the overdue ritual. Elena had ordered Stefan to close her eye while she was taken away to the quarry where she would be sacrificed. In her spelled ring of fire, she noticed that the vampire sacrifice or the werewolf sacrifice wasn't any of her family or friends.

Something inside of her had half expected it since Damon and Stefa had countlessly interfered even when Elijah and Klaus had given explicit instructions not to interfere with the plans nor to run away. She paced up and down in the spelled circle, too restless to even stay still.

She still wondered if there was any hope left for them to not perform the ritual, but those hopes were harshly dashed as she heard Greta, Klaus's witch mentioned, "It's time." Elena took a shuddering deep breath as the wind whipped her hair around her face, the sparks from the flames and smoke nipping at her skin. This was it. She was going to be sacrificed for the notorious Klaus Mikaelson, and there was nowhere to run or hide.

— — —

Jeremy had arrived at the Old Witch House. There he was met by Bonnie. "I'm going to kill Klaus." She said with conviction and Jeremy felt like his heart was almost going to fall out of his chest at her words. He took deep shuddering breaths. "Channeling that much power is going to kill you," he breathlessly rushed out, praying that she would somewhat change her mind. She shook her head fervently. "Nono, I have to do this Jeremy," she said with such conviction that it almost scared him. "But—"

He tried to protest but a voice came from behind him. "I'm going to kill him myself." Jeremy whirled around on the spot to see Elijah walk in, a determined look in his eyes. Jeremy's heart pounded erratically, he didn't care if the Original heard it. "Wh—I—" he spluttered but no words came out of his mouth. Elijah noticed this and came closer towards him, putting a gentle hand on his head, making him flinch softly away from him. Elijah ignored the pang of pain in his heart.

"You lied to me.." he whispered brokenly, his heart aching, chest constricting as he finally realised the truth that was being kept from him. "You were going to kill him this entire time, even if Elena was going to be brought back to life after the ritual.." he carried on, ignoring the looks that he got around him. He didn't understand why it hurt so much but it did. First his sister and now his brother.

He felt the familiar burn of tears well behind his eyes and he swallowed the lump of pain in his throat, his hands clenched in fists by his sides. Bonnie spoke up after a while and shared a look with John who had emerged not long after, keeping in the shadows. "You can't interrupt this, Jeremy!" she hissed with desperation. She knew that he would be angry, hence why she told him at the last minute.

"John is going to sacrifice himself for Elena so that she doesn't have to come back a vampire," she further explained but Jeremy just gave out a cry of anger, stunning everyone present. "AGAIN someone is dying for the sake of Elena! This time her own biological father. She really can't keep any parents or guardians, they all die because of her!" he laughed harshly as he turned away, unable to look at anyone. "Do you hate your sister?!" John barked in anger, his eyes flashing.

"I'd happily sacrifice my life for Elena if it means that she won't come back a monster!" he spat, disgust and disdain lacing his tone of voice as he glared deeply at Elijah, who ignored what he said. "Is it bad that I just want my fucking family and friends to survive instead of them dying like flies because of one girl?" he sneered with cold eyes. "I'd happily accept Elena being a vampire, if it means that she can string along the Salvatores with her, just like Katherine!" he ranted out, not caring about what he was saying.

"She's nothing like Katherine!" Bonnie shouted, getting tired of the teens outburst. "Oh shut up, Bonnie!" he snapped, making Bonnie flinch but Jeremy couldn't care less. He was way too angry. He rushed over to the door but was thrown back. "What did you do?!" he growled out. He looked out of the window. The moon was getting higher in the sky, the streaks of moonlight casting a soft glow in the dilapidated building.

Bonnie ignored his cries of protests and had begun to chant the spell for the soul transfer for Elena while placing her hands on either side of his head. Elijah had gone outside by this point, Damon rushing up to him, causing an argument to arise between them with Elijah eventually snapping Damon's neck because of his defiance and blatant disrespectful attitude towards him.

"It's done," Bonnie murmured softly to John who nodded at the young witch gratefully. He was glad that Elena wouldn't be turning into the monster that he vowed he would protect her from, even if he failed in that aspect, the least he could do was to help her in the end. Jeremy looked on with a bitter expression on his face as he looked away. "It's time," Elijah spoke up eventually. Jeremy looked out of the window again to see the moon reach its peak.

On any other night he would have enjoyed the sight but now he dreaded it, nerves gnawing at his gut. Bonnie stood up, her face determined, a cold look in her eyes. "Let's finish this, once and for all." Jeremy could swear that his blood ran cold at her tone of voice.

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