Chapter 23

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Jeremy couldn't believe it. Kol and Finn were right in front of his eyes. He didn't think that he would have met them so soon but he did. 'Seems like he kept his word after all' he thought to himself with a secret smile. But some people were missing. Rebekah and Elijah. "Where's Elijah and Rebekah?" he asked after a few moments of pondering. Kol and Finn shared a glance. "They're with Klaus on a trip," Kol explained.

Finn nodded his head. "You will see them soon, do not worry," he murmured softly before taking Jeremy's chin in his hand and giving him a soft gentle kiss on the forehead. Kol giggled softly and accused his elder brother of hogging Jeremy all to himself before placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "We've got something for you," he explained with a soft, bright smile. Finn nodded in agreement, his own rare smile widening.

Jeremy tilted his head towards the side in curiosity. "What is it?" he asked. He never expected anything from them and he rarely got any gifts apart from birthday and christmas celebrations, but even then they were scarce.

At his eager attitude, Finn chuckled softly and ruffled his hair. "Brother dearest Klaus told us about your magical abilities and we decided to give you some things to help you," he explained. When he was human he was a magical prodigy along with Kol but when their magic was forcefully ripped away from them, they were never the same since.

He didn't want the same to happen to Jeremy. Even though he still mourned the loss of his magic to this day, he would help Jeremy any way that he could. Kol nodded his head in agreement.

He couldn't believe it when he heard the news. He couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy towards Jeremy but he remembered that he had died in his past life without even tapping into his abilities. At least he had the chance to do so, even though it was short lived. "We've got our grimories for you, including our mother's" he eventually revealed.

Jeremy's eyebrows shot up towards his hairline. His breath caught in his throat as he gently took the books that were presented to them. They had fine coverings with intricate detailing. They looked old but well kept at the same time. He wondered how old they were. There were a few other books that were presented to him and he couldn't imagine what types of spells were written in, considering the thickness and length of books. He couldn't wait to practice some of the spells in the books and the mere thought filled him with joy and excitement.

"These are so beautiful.." he breathed, handling them with great care. "Are you sure that you want me to have these?" he asked, his eyes flickering up towards his brothers faces, searching their features for any regret. Finn wrapped his hands around Jeremy's hips before lifting him up into his lap, moulding himself against his back, making Jeremy yelp out in surprise, holding the book to his chest. "H-hey" he protested shyly. " 'M not a baby!" he whined playfully but Finn wasn't going to let him go. Instead, he just nuzzled his nose against his neck, breathing in his scent.

"You are our baby," Kol said with a laugh and he tickled Jeremy's stomach, making him squeal out with laughter. "Hey, no hey! That tickles!" he called out with laughter and he wiggled around in Finn's lap who laughed, a pleasant rumble sounding in his chest like faraway thunder. Finn made Jeremy put the book down on the table before he and Kol tackled Jeremy down onto the floor and tickled the life out of him.

Jeremy laughed hysterically, tears of mirth starting to fall down his cheeks as he kicked his legs up in the air but his brothers continued to tickle him relentlessly, making him shake with laughter. "Ahhgg.. Stop please! Please have mercy on me I beg of you" he screamed with laughter, his chest heaving up and down. Kol laughed. "But you loved getting tickled.." he said with a pout, looking at him with puppy eyes. Finn nodded his head. They still couldn't believe that their brother was home with them.

"We used to chase you around the village but tickle you all the time," he said with a soft laugh as he tickled underneath Jeremy's arm, making him squeal and wiggle with laughter. "Teehehehehe" he giggled like a little child, feeling the most carefree than he had felt in months. That is what he was in reality. A child. He was forced to grow up due to the pressure of the supernatural world, but for a few moments, he could just enjoy his youth and innocence again, even if most of it was tainted.

"I had dreams, memories even and I remembered everything," he whispered softly and the elders made soft noises of sympathy and hugged him. Jeremy hugged them tightly back, relishing in the familial contact. After months of having confusing dreams to the point that he thought that he needed serious mental help, everything was cleared up. But he knew that it wasn't the end. To put it simply, none of them were out of the woods just yet and that made him worried.

But with his family and friends on his side, he felt like he could do anything that he wanted to. He felt like everything was going to be OK. He deserved to be taken care of and protected. "Don't worry, brother, you have us now" Kol reassured him, running soothing, gentle fingers through the male's soft chocolate brown locks, making Jeremy purr and lean into the touch. Finn rubbed a large, reassuring hand up and down his back. "You have us to protect you now brother," he said.

He wanted to say the phrase, 'always and forever', but himself and Kol were never really part of the promise, just pushed away towards the side. But Jeremy beat them both to it. He buried his head in their chests, suddenly feeling a lot younger than he was. "Always and Forever?" he whispered hopefully. Their hearts warmed with love and joy and they repeated in unison, "Always and Forever" they replied, smiles on their faces. 

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