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Orange talons landing on the grassy floor of the openings in the canopy...
The entire plain seemed to be deserted...

Wasp walked forward. "LISTEN!!! I just would like to talk to who ever is in charge! We know you are harboring the runaways from our continent. We get that they have probably convinced you that we are monsters but listen. We want to compromise." 

Wasp looked around wearily and looked very tired. "please, Just an audience with whoever is the ruler or group of this portion of land." Wasp shouted. The grass near her sunk under the pressure of something. "I'm here" a voice said behind Wasp. Wasp jumped and looked behind her only to see her army. "where are you?" "I'm behind you again." The voice said. Wasp turned to see Glory. "you are the leader?" "Queen" Glory was her normal colors of green with orange in her frill. "Speak" Glory said her scales slightly tinting red. 

"Yes, listen Queen..." 
"Queen Glory, we just wish to compromise." 
"We?" Glory gave a suspicious glare. A leafwing walked forward, Eyes pearl white. 
We just want to talk. 
"You're the Othermind I would like to assume." Glory said calmly
Yes and we just want to talk with you
"No battles? Then why bring an army?!" Glory asked.
"we brought them incase the runaways try to fight back. We now they are here." 
maybe a Deal will bring them out of hiding. 
Wasp turned to the other mind, "good idea." 
Wasp turned to her army and  four Hive-wings walked forward With four silkwings each. 
They shoved the silkwings on the ground and Wasp looked at the rainforest. 
"MOM, SIS!!" Grubs flew out of the brush and rammed the two soldiers who were holding them. The soldiers flung back and Wasp winced. Grubs pulled them into a hug, they hugged him back. "Grubs" Diamond and Chrystal sighed and hugged him. 

"DAD!" Blue ran out the same place and ran in front of his father, Admiral. "Why did you have to escape?!" "sorry but it was the only way to get away!" Blue and Admiral talked as if no one else was around them. "SIS!!!!" Swordtail divebombed and wacked the soldier away. "Swordtail!" Io shouted and hugged her brother. Swordtail and Grubs moved their relatives away from the army while Blue and his dad talked. 

"see, Queen Glory, we just want the remains of Leafwings." 
"You seem way to calm for letting your servants go." Glory said eyeing Wasp
"They are a waste of space in the continent, submissive worms. The only ones I wish to keep are Flamesilks" Wasp said holding her talon out. "I let the silkwings go while I keep some for breeding. and you give me the Leafwings" Glory shook her head and had an expression of disgust. "I do not bargain Dragon lives." Glory said and went invisible. The queen pulled her arm back. "At least can you allow us to stay to rest?" Glory reappeared and the Leafwing possessed by the othermind gazed in awe. "Fine!" Glory's scales were a litter more red. Blue, his father, Swordtail, Io, Grubs, Diamond, Chrystal flew up to the royal platform.

Glory turned her back to the queen and flew up to the platform that the others flew to.
She landed and gazed once more at the Mind controlled Hive-wings and Leaf-wings. 
The door opened. 
Out came Cricket, Deathbringer, Sundew, Pine, and  Bumblebee came out the hut. "Glory!" Deathbringer immediately ran to her side and inspected her for injuries. "are you okay?!" He lifted her wing a bit. Glory pulled her wing back. "I'm fine, Everyone listen up. They need to spend the night for rest and they will head back to the continent." Blue and Cricket walked to each other and Admiral was eyeing them intensely.  

"Can you discuss what happens if we come back? We just want to go back home" Swordtail asked. "Speak for yourself!" Sundew hissed. "you're lucky to still have a home!" Pine looked down sadly. Grubs comforted her.

"Hey!" Glory snapped. "SHUSH!"  "Sundew I have a plan to-" She looked around "To kill their queen." Sundews whole body started twitching and she looked like she was about to explode.
"what queen bargains Dragon lives?!" Glory spat and looked over at the Hivewings who were scattering and gathering under the trees.  

(Soo yeah I may beee changing up some Dragon personalities because I don't fully remember them and there are one to0 many characters all at once...
I'm probably forgetting someone)

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