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The fly to mantis hive was relatively challenging cloudy sky and some high wind
Cricket was having some trouble and blue flew close to her. She turned to look at him he gave her a kind smile. When all of a sudden bumblebee leaped in her pouch and screamed "criket, an Boo!" Cricket smiled and glanced at blue. He looked at her and flew closer but under cricket and tickled bumblebees belly "hahahahaha, BOO" bumblebee laughed which got sundews attention who was kinda getting attached to the little dragonet. Sundew smiled and cricket looked at her, and sundew gave her a "I know what you are thinking" glance and then made a motion to a smiling blue who's claw was being held by bumblebees whole talon. Cricket glanced back at sundew, she gave a slight nod and sundew smiled at cricket, which was unlike her -I guess she sees us as friends- cricket thought. She wasn't paying attention and bumblebee left her sling and started to crawl up blue's arm "cricket... cricket!!" Swordtail screamed from behind her. She snapped back into reality and saw bumblebee who was on blues shoulder and nibbling on his ear as blue giggled. "Oh sorry blue" she reached and picked bumblebee up and wrestled her back in her sling while she squirmed like a worm. Grubs was up ahead of them and he turned to look around and saw them laughing he smirked.

"Ok we're here" grubs said stopping to hover and turned to the group now it was day and the sun was trying its hardest to shine through the thick clouds but gave a light grey dimming to the day. Now everyone could see Grubs scales he was a dark orange all over with some black hexagon patches and brown lines going down his neck. His wings had two patches of brown at the base of the wings. "Where would we find Chrystal?" Swordtail asked. Grubs paused "I uhh didn't think of that" grubs said scratching the back of his head. "You all find some cover I'll go in the hive and bring her towards the place y'all hide like... oh like that sink hole!" He said and then pointed to another gaping hole in the earth it was quite aways from the hive. Blue and cricket glanced at one another then at the sink hole. Swordtail flew towards it and disappeared beneath the rim. After a couple moments he came back up. "There is multiple cave like crevices that can fit all of us. We can wait there while you get Chrystal." Swordtail said to grubs and he nodded "ok see you guys later." He said with a smile and waved bye and flew towards the hive while the group flew to the sink hole.

Cricket and blue both sat in the corner talking about what this "Grubs" was after
While swordtail and sundew conversed "I don't trust that hivewing" swordtail said to sundew "neither do I but can we talk about the..." sundew glanced at blue and cricket and then at swordtail, "the love birds in the sinkhole"
She whispered. Swordtail looked over at the other crevice which was a little lower, "I've seen the glances they give each other when they think no ones looking." "She's a hivewing and he's a silkwing" sundew said "I have an idea it's risky but I have an idea." Swordtail said raising his talon in the air. "What is it?"
"I go hunt some food for cricket and you and gather some fruits for me and blue and I mix the food together into a dinner and give it to cricket and blue. So basically a date." Swordtail. "I'll hunt the meat, you gather." Sundew said bouncing up and getting to the entrance. Swordtail grabbed her talon " be safe" he said she laughed.


Cricket was holding down bumblebee who was about to jump into the dinner. She gave praising looks to sundew and swordtail. "What's the occasion? Is it a silk wing holiday?" Cricket asked.
Blue looked down and started thinking if today was a holiday. "I don't think it is..." blue said
"Well we figured we would need to eat after flying half the continent, so eat up." Sundew said turning to fly a little up into her and swordtails crevice. "Thank you" sundew heard blue call, she then heard swordtails wing beats. He laid next to her, " now we just wait for their reactions"
A couple minutes passed and sundew heard bumblebee giggling very loudly and she opened her eyes to see bumblebee literally breathing on sundews face. "Agh snudew" bumblebee said crawling to her snout. "Cricket!!!" Sundew shouted and it echoed throughout the cave and sinkhole.

"Sounds like sundew found bumblebee" Cricket laughed, blue smiled and then looked back towards the end of the bottom of the cave. There he saw a little light. Cricket immediately gasped as she saw the light. It was dim and orange in color. "Reading monkey?" Blue asked, "I dunno let's go cmon." Cricket said as she hurried over the rocks,blue followed and then just saw crickets right front talon dip and fall forward and she landed on the rocks in front of her and she yelped. "Cricket" blue shouted, he ran forward careful of the ditch in the rocks. He helped her up and she lifted her right talon, and looked down at it, it was obviously broken. "Cricket we need to get you back up to the crevice." Blue whispered in her ear. "No let's keep going" she said blue didn't argue. They walked over (well cricket limped) there they saw a small pile of burning sticks, and three small top hair monkeys.
They were "talking" to each other Blue pointed  his wrist at the fire and orange flamsilk shot out and hit the sticks making a hissing sound from the sticks and the fire got bright enough to light the whole cavern. The three jumped in surprise and saw blue and cricket. Cricket gasped blue lifted his talon and waved. The three went from tense postures to relaxes but prepared to run. Blue stepped forward and they backed, cricket stepped forward but fell to her side because of her ankle. The three wobbled for a second, she groaned and blue bounced to her side. He looked at her ankle and then met her eyes with worry. "We have to go" "no"
The younger one of the three walked forward to cricket and the other two called for her. She had a bag with some sort symbol on it she had on what looked like a rag with a hood. She got closer and blue saw the knife on her side. Blue growled but ended up coughing. "I can't growl" cricket laughed but she winced in pain as the monkey thing, Took some white cloth from the bag and started to wrap it around the broken ankle as best as she could. Then she stepped back. Cricket looked down at the little thing and it smiled. It then came close with a green liquid and poured it on her ankle. Some dripped  off but the part that was absorbed gave a green neon glow. Blue then stepped closer to cricket and nudged her to her talons. Cricket put pressure on the ankle and she could stand. So many questions were spinning in her head "what was that?how is it made? Is it made from a plant?" Cricket asked in a flurry. She had a confused expression. "Oh wait..." cricket dug in her pouch that was under her wing and pulled out the other monkeys book. She handed it to the young one and she started chittering in multiple tones and the other two ran over with surprised expressions. "Blue what do you think was in that little book?" Cricket asked. Blue shrugged "CRICKET,BLUE GRUBS IS HERE!" Swordtail shouted. The three stood there and then looked up at cricket and blue. Blue pointed his wrist at a empty stone bucket and filled it with flame silk. Blue nodded and he and cricket turned to leave. The young one chased after cricket and grabbed her tail cricket turned and sat. She let go and took off her bag and was offering it to cricket. Cricket held out a talon and she placed the bag in the center. Cricket lowered her head down and she hugged her snout. "T-thank you" cricket said and the little one hugged and then let go. Cricket and blue walked out and flew up towards the caves and crevices.
"Cricket,blue,Sundew, and Swordtail. Meet Chrystal" grubs said as he nodded to a white silkwing with light grey patches on her body she had kind green eyes and her horns were straight and not a little crooked.  (CAN SILKWINGS GET THAT Shade?)
"Hi!" "And my sister" Grubs said nodding to another silkwing.
She was similar in shade of Chrystal but with a slight blue and teal on her back. She had pink eyes, "Hi!" She said waving.
"Hi what's your name?" Cricket asked.
"Hi everyone." Diamond said to the group, "hi" blue said smiling, "so the leaf wings burned bloodworm hive but the webs between hives were cut to slow the fire. So we have an opportunity to free the flamsilks and free hivewings and we have been testing cures." Grubs said pulling a map out of some leaf made pouch under his wings. The map was of pantalas hives and mountains and red marks showing wasps hive flamsilk cavern in a labeled picture. Some drawing in the mountains in a the center of what looked like a ravine is where a label was named "FHW" blue placed his claw on it " What does this mean" Blue asked. "Hm,
Oh that means Free hivewings" Grubs said and lifted his claw and placed it on is chest "where I was born" he then placed his claw back on the map. Suddenly a shift of movement caught swordtails eye, he saw diamond scoot closer to blue. He poked cricket with his Tail, "hm?" Swordtail shifted his gaze back to blue and diamond. "Oh"

Cricket scooted closer and twined her tail with blues and put her talon on blues right talon. Diamond stood still after she saw that. Sundew was in the back with bumblebee curled around her neck and nibbling on her ear. "Cricket can you get your little monster?"
Sundew said.
"Wait before you do that cricket you're going to be needed in the next part." Chrystal said cricket looked at her "what do I need to do?" "help grubs and blue get into the hives and take some Free eggs."

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