The Invasion

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After everyone had reunited, Belladonna, Blue, And cricket had walked in the room.
"Everyone listen up!" Belladonna snapped making everyone jump.
"The hivewings are lining up in front of the jungle. Some of them have already been caught by the traps but they are bringing flamesilk Jars to the forest. They are going to burn the jungle so we need to stop them." Belladonna explained.

"That's were the legend comes in."
Sequoia came in announcing.
"What legend? about what?
The breath of evil?" Cricket spat out.
"Yes the Breath of evil"


"Hahaha that's just a legend right?!" Blue laughed nervously,
Cricket brushed her wings with his reassuringly. "Well some has to have been fabled over the years but it keeps the central message of the breath." Sequoia said, "We need some volunteers to find hawthorn
If he is still alive"
"I'll do it" sundew said
"I'm going with sundew" willow said
"I'll go" louse said.
Nettle stepped forth as well and so did mandrake. (I'm feeling a bit lazy and I don't want to do extra details)

"Louse you don't have to go.
I can g-" grubs said
"No, you have to rest remember? The antidote isn't entirely complete so you have very bad side effects" louse interrupted him.
"And you have to take care of our egg" Louse said. Louse walked back to him and handed him the egg with care, "Take care of them for me while I'm gone" louse said while smiling. Pine frowned as she did not like being reminded grubs has an egg.

"O-Ok" grubs said, pine Twined her tail around grubs tail. "Your majesty can I speak to you in private?" Chrystal said "Sure ,back there follow me" sequoia said walking to a room with some open windows and lights Chrystal followed and shut the door behind her.


Blue was with the Leafwings at the edge of the forest at camp. They saw the lines of hivewings it was massive there was just a sea of orange, black and . Sequoia  was right next to him, blue turned to her. "none of them are going to get hurt? They will breath in the smoke be cured and go home?" Blue asked with worry and looked into sequoias  eyes. 

she turned to him "Poor little dragonet, Many are going to get hurt Both Hivewing and leafwing" Sequoia said turning to her troops. 

Suddenly the whole hivewing army moved and then the back started flying up blocking out the view to the hives, then the ones up front moved mechanically and started running towards the Jungle and threw flamsilk jars at the forest setting the nearest foliage on fire instantly. the soldiers with leafspeak shrieked as they seemed to be startled by the Plants pain. The leafwings started to charge at the hivewings and Threw some sort of bugs and darts that knocked hivewings down and made them scream. Blue saw that wasp would leave their bodies and they would be in agony and go limp. Blue was horrified and felt sequoias' talons on his shoulders "Come on we need to light the bonfire" she said and guided him to it and he lifted his wrist but a Hivewing flew right in front of him and BLUE shot flamesilk at the hivewing who fell out of the air and started screaming in pure agony. Blue felt tears reach his chin, He couldn't take this anymore he went to a flaming plant and threw the strand of flamesilk at it causing the fire to catch the roots and making it turn into a column of smoke. Blue turned and Went to the sap wings dome and ran into the room where everyone was huddled. 

Cricket turned to him with a smile but it faded when she realized he was covered in dust and some blood. He walked over to her with a horrified look and started crying and she wrapped her wings around him as he cried Horrified tears. everyone wrapped their wings around him and embraced him as he broke down crying from the horror he witnessed.

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