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Grubs swooped down and dropped the nets gently immediately and started pacing around the area. The others landed and observed his odd behavior. Louse looked down and then at the jungle,
Cricket looked at the jungle wide eyes with a sleeping bumblebee in her sling. When suddenly a voice shouted for Grubs, "Pine!!"
Soon there was a Leafwing who was a dark green from the back all the way to her tail and underbelly. She had patches of brown and brown shoulders with kind deep ocean blue eyes emerging from the top of the  trees.
"Pine!" "Grubs!"
They both shouted and sweeper each other in one another wings. Everyone looked at the two especially Sundew. They embraced and they both closed their eyes,smiled and placed the foreheads together. They held each other until sundew coughed purposely to remind there are other dragons. They separated and blushed slightly, but then pine caught a glimpse at Sundew and freaked out and hid behind Grubs. "Pine.... Is this why you snuck out of the dome?" Sundew asked with some anger. "She doesnt have to answer!" Grubs said flinging his wings out so that he shielded her. "No Grubs we knew someone would find out eventually..."
Pine said coming out from behind him. She looked at the ground, sundew raised her eye ridge "so?"
"I'll explain" grubs said but he earned a whack from sundew with her tail making him stumble to the side. Sundew then walked to Pine who was looking down at the ground.

Grubs was 5 when he was  flying around the poison jungle outskirts to see if he could see what happened to the
Expeditions that were sent out a couple days ago.
It was midday and the jungle had the usual jaguar roar, a hiss from something far away and a distant echo of a branch breaking.
To grubs it seemed like a endless green void.
He landed. -what happened?- he thought and decided to walk forward some more.
He heard a twig break and paused but then there was nothing. He shrugged and walked forward more. Suddenly a green object tackled him and he was slammed into the ground and skidded slightly. He opened his eyes and saw a leafwing (same description as above cause I don't feel like typing the description) she was on top of him and looked into his eyes which were full of panic. Her eyes were a kind deep ocean blue. "Better be more careful you almost fell into a dragon trap plant." She said as she got off him. He was paralyzed by his panic and fear, "please don't kill me!" He shouted and shielded his face with his talons. All he got in response was a laugh. "Hahaha" she laughed "I'm not going to kill you." "Why would I kill you after I saved you? That makes no sense" Grubs started to crawl backwards and get away. "No seriously why would I kill you?"
"I dunno revenge on the hivewings for trying to wipe out your tribe!"
"Well I don't want revenge my tribe does not me" she reached a talon out to Grubs. He hesitated but he took it and she helped him up. "Umm thanks... but what's a dragon trap?" Grubs asked
"That" she said and threw a stick and the grass snapped shut revealing a camouflaged plant. (Giant Venus flytrap)
"Yeah there pretty nasty here"
"Umm what's your name?"
"Hm... oh me, my name is Pine. You?"  Pine said
Grubs then held out his talon in a friendly manner and she took and shook it. The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out,sharing some life facts, nature, and then grubs tapped her shoulder and said tag and she looked clueless.
"I said tag you're it"
"Tag?" Grub's jaw dropped "tag is where one dragon is it and they basically friendly "hit" or tag the others."
"Oh well then.." she jumped and tagged Grubs who turned pale at how quick she moved. "You're it" she said, he smiled and chased after her. Then when the dusk hit they were tired and sweating from playing. "That was fun" pine said
"Yeah, let's do this more"
"Same time tomorrow?" Grubs suggested. "That works for me" pine said, "alright well see you then." Grubs said walking away and waving.

They did this for a couple months when Things started to go down hill with their friendship. Pine tagged Grubs and he tripped and she fell on him and their snouts  booped together. They both looked at one another with wide eyes and blushed a dark red, then a voice called "Pine?!" It came from the jungle. "What have I told you about the dragon tra-" is a older Leafwing similar in color to Pine but with a dark green eyes and pale green wings. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF TREES IS THIS?!?!?" He shouted his voice was a lot deeper than what grubs expected.
"HIVEWING GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!" He shouted and stomped towards them. Pine got off Grubs and Grubs got up and took three steps back. But stopped when Pines tail twined with Grubs tail.

"Dad wait I can explain!" Pine said trying to burn down her blush. "PINE GET AWAY THIS IS GONNA-" he was cut off as a Dragon trap plant closed around him snaring him. He went completely still, But this made Grubs jump at the thing. He jumped up despite pines pleaded to stop. He started to pry the jaws but they were strong. He pulled out his stinger and began stabbing at one point in the shell. It finally broke the armor and went into the plants flesh. It stopped moving and the jaws fell away, and released its stomach fluid and it was a small geyser of juice.
He was standing there wiping slime off his wings and face. "I cannot believe I was just saved by my own daughter. "Uhh,dad that wasn't me" "what?!"
He looked around and saw the jaws had fallen on grubs and he was under the plant scooting out.
"I cannot believe a HIVEWING Dragonet saved me"
"Erm.. you're welcome?" Grubs said sliding out from underneath the jaw. He then walked over and sat next to Pine and twined their tails. "... I guess I owe ya kid"
"Can you let me and Pine still be friends? Can I use the debt on that?" Grubs asked

"That didn't seem like friends to me when I came out the jungle." "Oh, no we're friends and we tripled while playing tag. And we booped snouts that's all" pine explained. "Alright I'll allow you to be friends"
"Yes!" Grubs and Pine both cheered and they got up and jumped up and down. "But remember this Grubs... was it grubs?" He walked forward
" I can't stop any other Leafwings or hivewings from hurting you two if you're caught."

He died in the next couple of months from an argument with another Leafwing who had eaten some sort of Beserker fungus making him twice more aggresive and killed pines dad and two others. The following week Grubs didn't see Pine, he waited at there spot for her. When she arrived she was looking at the floor but made her way to him. Grubs got up and he gave her a big and long comforting hug because she told him he died the week before she "disappeared" He even felt some tears go down his chest from Pine. He hugged her for what felt like ages but they were good ages. Grubs broke the hug and placed his forehead on hers and they were still for the moment. She broke it this time. "Grubs don't try and comfort me I'm fine..." she looked at the ground and grubs lifted her chin with his talon "shut up"
Grubs presses his snout against hers, she stared blushing a dark red. Grubs blushed a light pink,
He pulled back and sat next to her and cuddled against her. She was
Puzzled but she then leaned against him and soon they were asleep. She was in between his tail and him and his wing tented over her.


After explaining sundew was speechless along with the group. Grubs had gotten back his balance back and readjusted his pouches. He then sat next to Pine and twined his tail around hers, sundew was flicking her tail on the ground and opened her mouth to speak "Pine!" But that wasn't sundew it was from the poison jungle. The group looked at it and saw Two pairs of Green eyes staring at them. Pine and sundew recognized that voice and pine hid behind grubs again. A figure walked out and it was non other than belladonna herself. "Mom?"
" aligning yourself with spies now?! Two more hivewings?!"
Belladonna shouted at sundew. "Their both free"
"Sure... but as for you!" She said directing her attention to pine and grubs extended his wings again and bared his teeth. She started to approach when grubs attacked her with his stingers but she grabbed both wrists and turned them into a painful position "Ahhhh!" Grubs cried  out in pain and then lifted his tail and stung her on the neck. She froze and Grubs pulled his wrist back and examined them,
"She's gonna kill you for that" sundew said with a smile and Pine came out from behind Grubs. "She is really going to kill you for that, I won't let her" pine said to grubs
She kissed him on the cheek. He smiled despite his pain, "grubs are you ok?" Blue asked "I'm fine, let's go to the sap wing dome." He said and looked at sundew.
"Wait Belladonna knows" Swordtail.
"She won't when she wakes up"
He spun slamming his tail into belladonnas head she fell forwards
And into the grass.

"She'll wish she were dead when she wakes" grubs said, "sundew lead the way" he said and they walked forward into the jungle.

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