Chapter 18

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Sana shoots her a confused look, and tilts her head to a side. "Where are you going?"

Mina averts her gaze because she is not comfortable with lies. And Sana is Sana. She's perceptive, wise beyond her years and would see right through her. "To see a friend. I'll be home by evening." She slips her backpack up on her shoulder and rushes out without waiting for a reply.

An hour later, she's sitting on a stool, holding a steaming mug of coffee in her hand. Opposite her is the woman she considers family, a woman she's so fond of, loves and adores and gets the same twice fold in return, to the extent of the older woman telling her one day, Just call me Mama, Minari !

She's holding a mug of hot chocolate in her hand, her smile wide and endearing, and reminds Mina so much of Nayeon, that she tells her that. The smile widens on the older woman's face.

"Aren't you the sweetest thing ever?" She gushes, "It's no wonder Nayeon is-" Her voice trails off as she looks to her side for a moment and shakes her head, "Nayeon is always speaking highly of you." She finishes with a fond gaze.

Mina gets reminded of the reason why she's here when Nayeon's name leaves the older woman's lips. Taking a bout of breath, she lets the second lie of the day slip out, "Speaking of Nayeon, does she like anyone?"

There's a twinkle in the eyes before her.

"A friend of mine likes her and she was wondering if Nayeon is available."

The light diminishes in the dark orbs.

The woman doesn't say anything for a while, and there's something pained and miserable about her expression that unnerves Mina. "I don't know." Her voice is low and difficult to hear. "Just like you don't know." She drops the last few words into nothing but a mere whisper.

When Mina's back at the dorm, Nayeon is sleeping and she's seething. Seething with anger, frustration, but most of all disappointment.

I don't know.

Just like you don't know.

The words rattle around in her head. Why does nobody know? Why doesn't she know? She's always trusted the older girl and shared every one of her dark thoughts with her. So why couldn't Nayeon have done the same? Was the faith and trust she placed in the older girl completely one-sided? The anger and confusion boils and bubbles within her, threatening to seep through every inch of her skin.

The next morning when she enters the radio station she chooses a seat as far away as possible from Nayeon. She feels Sana's eyes on her but she's too preoccupied with her own thoughts to give it any thought. She wonders how someone can want to spend all their time looking at one face, yet have enough willpower to do the opposite? Mina surprises herself with her mental strength.

Momo pulls everyone into a group hug after the show. Mina jumps away like she's been shocked when Jihyo pulls Nayeon from behind her and their shoulders accidentally brush against each other. Sana's eyes linger on her again and its unnerving.

"Did you have a fight with Nayeon?" Sana apparently doesn't like to beat around the bush because she gets straight to the point.

"No," Mina hesitates briefly before she answers with a pout, looking at the distant lights of the vehicles speeding past, "It's just that I know she likes someone, but won't tell who."

Sana lets out a startled coughing sound which dies down into a solemn look on her face. Mina needs a greater perspective, to take a step back and see the whole picture and Sana is insightful, knows people more than she lets on, so Mina asks, "Do you know who?"

Sana rests her hands on the balcony railing and glances down to take a look at Nayeon walking Kookeu to the park. Nayeon looks up briefly and smiles at her. She sees her eyes land on Mina who's gazing at the stars. Her whole demeanour changes, eyes soften around the edges as she looks tenderly at the younger girl. After a while, she blinks, shakes her head and mutters something to herself and Sana is pretty sure she's cursing herself for forgetting that she's there to walk her dog.

"I have an inkling, but it's not my place to tell." Sana breathes out. "Have you asked her?"

"I did." Mina closes her eyes for a while as she lets the pleasant night air quieten the loud thoughts in her head. "She said she loves herself."

Sana's eyes follows Nayeon as she disappears behind the trees. "Then she's more of a coward than I thought."

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