Chapter 14

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Mina nibbles at her fingernails tired of the bickering going around her.

"Why do you always suspect me?" Nayeon says innocently, a smirk hidden behind her heart shaped lips. "I didn't take your phone."

Mina hears Momo growl at the answer, her face twisting in thought. She steps closer to Nayeon and whines, "I swear to god Nayeon-chan, if I didn't like you so much I'd have killed you by now."

"Momo, your phone is under your bed." Mina mutters, taking a protective stance in front of Nayeon.

She watches Momo tiptoe into her room and hears her yelling out a hurray when she finds her phone.

Nayeon bites her lips pensively and leans down to whisper in Mina's ears. "How did you know I hid it there?"

There's a shiver running down her spine and goosebumps prickling her neck at the proximity of the older girl but Mina hides it well. "That's the last place Momo is going to look." She angles her body slightly away from Nayeon and turns to look at her. "You and I know how her mind works."

And how your mind works. Her brain supplies helpfully.

She sees the older girl's eyebrows slant in muted surprise, jaw working back and forth as she processes the information. Mina's eyes runs along the contour of her jaw, at how well defined it looks under the soft light in the living room from certain angles. Her fingers itch to touch the skin there.

She takes another step back to put more space between herself and Nayeon.

"Did y'all know Seo is getting a divorce?" Sana slams the front door shut, drawing their attention.

"Really?" Jihyo queries, taking her eyes away from the television screen. "I thought they got along really well."

Mina joins her side on the couch, folding her legs under her. She wonders how she's forgotten this little tidbit.

"Getting along really well isn't enough." Nayeon slides to sit between Jeongyeon and Dahyun.

"Why isn't it enough?." Jeongyeon scoots over to her left because Nayeon is sitting almost on top of her. "An understanding relationship lasts long normally."

Mina mulls over the words. She thinks back to the time she dated Momo, they understood each other really well, knew how to satisfy each other both emotionally and physically, their personalities similar and complimenting, so it came as a big shock to everyone when they called it off.

"The spark." Nayeon speaks in a voice she can't decipher and Mina finds herself looking her way, their eyes locking. "They didn't have the spark."

Mina's heart begins to race in her chest as those intense dark brown eyes bore into hers. She smoothes down a lock of hair self consciously, as she allows her eyes to stay glued the older girl's gaze.

"I'll agree with that." Dahyun exclaims next to her, and Mina breaks their glance releasing a shaky breath she's been holding in her chest. "Seo has more chemistry with Nayeonnie than she has with her husband."

Mina feels something in her stomach churn.

"Are you drunk Tofu?" Nayeon smiles and scratches the side of her face making the twinkle in her eyes more pronounced.

"Nayeonnie, don't act so dense." Tzuyu rolls her eyes and stares at Nayeon evenly. "You don't know she's been hitting on you?"

Mina sees the corner of Nayoen's mouth lifting into a lopsided grin, making her cheeks look squishy. It's amazing how she wants to cup those cheeks one second and slap it another second.

"Are you saying she's into women?" Her smile blossoms full blown into a hearty laughter.

Mina lowers her eyes as she clutches a cushion close to her chest. "More like into annoying idiots." She mumbles under her breath.

Jihyo hears her comment and throws an amused smile her way.

"I think so." Chaeyoung puts down her sketching pad on the coffee table and takes part in the gossip. "Maybe that's why their marriage isn't working."

Mina sees Nayeon pausing, touching her fist to her chin in thought. "Interesting."

When Nayeon steps into her room that night, she sees that Mina has dragged her bed closer to the wall and there's a tiny space between their beds.

"What if I roll over and fall into the gap?" She gasps, her eyes shining bright in amusement.

"I'm sure girls would come running to pick you up." Mina growls and switches off the light in the room. "Especially the one next door."

Mina doesn't miss the amusement in those twinkling eyes grow.

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