Chapter 28

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It's the feeling that something is wrong that wakes Mina up. It takes a few moments to collect her bearings, the soft light that illuminates the room falls on Nayeon who's twisting and thrashing in her arms.

"Nayeon-chan." She props herself up on one elbow and shakes the older girl gently who continues to ramble in her sleep. "You're fine. I'm here." She leans a little into her to hear her incoherent mumble, to make sense of it.

"For Narnia." The older girl growls.

It's either the lighthearted words in contrast to the dark thoughts in her head, or the awareness that she is only going to get to see all this for another 48 hours, Mina is not sure which that brings about the sudden bout of tears in her eyes mixed with a soft chuckle.

She wipes at her eyes, rolls over and wraps the older girl's arms over her chest, and wills herself back to sleep.

When she wakes up again all she feels is heat. Heat all over her body, inside her body. There's a pleasant weight on top of her, something warm and soft is pressed against her neck, tickling her skin.

She lets out a small moan as she feels a pressure between her legs and her hips buck against it. Her hand snakes around a toned body and pulls it flush against her heated skin, fingers threading through short silky hair.

She thrusts against a strong thigh, lets out a small sob of pleasure, the wetness between her legs soaking her shorts.

"Mmh," Someone says and full lips suck a pulse point on her neck. Mina whimpers, scrapes her nails up wide shoulders. "Two more scoops of chocolate please."

Her eyes fly open.

She puts a hand to Nayeon's chest and shoves her away with a sudden force that sends the older girl toppling off the bed.

"Mina?" Nayeon looks at her, sleepy, dazed and confused and Mina prays she doesn't notice her heaving chest, clouded eyes and dishevelled state. "Why am I on the floor?"

"You rolled in your sleep." She hopes the darkness masks the pink that she's certain blossoming on her neck and traveling upwards.


"Don't do it Nayeon-chan." Momo's pleading voice draws Mina's attention. "It's a little too high, you could end up with a fracture."

"Do it." Jeongyeon encourages.

"Nayeon, I swear I will ground your grown up arse if you even think of doing it." Jihyo warns, looking up at Nayeon who's ready to jump from the makeshift stage onto an inflated bed Jeongyeon has dragged from the set. The staff don't interfere, opting to shake their head in amusement instead, having grown accustomed to their antics.

Mina walks towards the stage, just as the older girl is about to throw Jihyo's warning to the wind and take a leap. She crosses her arms over her chest and tells her softly just like she did in the past, "Get down Nayeon-chan."

"Yes Nayeon-chan." Sana repeats by her side, "Suicide is never an option." Mina rolls her eyes.

Nayeon hops down the steps reluctantly and Mina lets out a sigh of relief.

She turns around, takes slow steps towards the caravan but stops midstep as she realizes something. Nayeon listens to Sana. Nayeon shares her treasured cookies with Sana. Nayeon loves Sana.

The pain of heartbreak isn't new to her, she's lived with it for a 400 days without Nayeon and Mina thinks she should be used to it by now. It still manages to make her throat tight, eyes blur, breath squeeze hard.

The fresh burning in her chest that comes with the knowledge that she's finally found the person Nayeon is in love with is a lot hard to swallow.


If she can she will never let anything hurt the older girl, Mina thinks as she stares at Nayeon. She will never let anything hurt her, except her.

"Ouch." Nayeon rubs her abused arm, gives her a playful grin. "First Momo, now Sana. You seem to think I have a thing for Japanese girls."

"Just answer the question." She glares.

The older girl throws her hands up in mock surrender. "You might be right."

Mina presses her lips together, frowning as she tries not to spit out her next words, "About you being in love with Sana?"

Nayeon backs away from her slowly, her face breaking into a wide grin. "About me having a thing for Japanese girls."

She ducks expertly as Mina grabs the softest object near her and aims it for her head.

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