Chapter 10

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Mina walks quietly down the halls of the studio and stops when she hears Nayeon's laughter ring through the dressing room. She steps into the room without batting an eyelid past where the older girl is making conversation with their assistant.

She has one hand on her hip, another often tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears, a tiny smile quirking up the corner of lips and stands way too close to the tall guy who's throwing flirtatious glances at her.

She's never liked this guy for some reason, and dreads to think that this might be Nayeon's mysterious person.

"What's with the face?" She hears Dahyun ask her as Nayeon steps out the dressing room with the assistant, completely oblivious to their presence.

"Nothing." She dismisses, scowling at the sight of their shoulders slightly brushing together.

Dahyun's eyes follow her line of vision. "It's him again." She chuckles. "That explains the face."

Mina turns to her side and lifts up a brow in question intrigued at Dahyun's statement.

"It's just that, you've never seemed too fond of Hei." Dahyun tells her honestly.

"His name is Hei?" Mina asks, her voice disgruntled. She's just always called him by his last name.

Dahyun laughs boisterously. "See, that's what I'm talking about." She leans back on the chair in the dressing room and settles comfortably. "He's not a bad guy, you know?"

"He laughs too loud." Mina remarks.

"Nayeonnie laughs too loud too." Dahyun deadpans. She can't help but smile at the mild irritation on Mina's face.

"He acts like he's the hottest guy in the world." Mina continues.

"Nayeonnie does that too." Dahyun states simply and then laughs, "Like she's the hottest girl alive."

Mina lifts her shoulder in a shrug. "She's allowed to."

Dahyun shakes her head, and mimes zipping her lips together in surrender.

Mina has a hard time reminding herself she's here to fulfil Nayeon's last wish as she watches Hei whisper something in Nayeon's ears during the break.

Hei is easy on the eyes, well built, probably a year younger than Nayeon, and then she frowns because she suddenly remembers that Jeongyeon described that as the older girl's type.

"You can do this." She reassures herself under her breath, as she corners Nayeon in the kitchen after the shoot. "Do you like Hei?"

"Excuse me?" The older girl chokes on the water she's sipping.

Mina pats her back a little too strongly. "He's your type." She's started the conversation, now she has to finish it, irrespective of how much she doesn't want him to be the person Nayeon is in love with.

"What's my type Minaya?" The older girl's eyes are smiling and Mina wants to slap it off her face.

She pauses a little before responding. "Younger and buff." She whispers.

"Younger and fit." Nayeon slants her head and looks at her for a long second. "You got that much right."

"I won't hesitate to slap you if you continue laughing at me." She sulks.

Nayeon throws her hands up defensively. "Hey!! I'm not even laughing!"

"Your eyes are." She mumbles under her breath.

She sees Nayeon biting her lips to try and control the urge to let out a smile. "How can eyes laugh Minaya?"

"Yours do." She grumbles as she shoves the older girl away from her with a hand and opens the door of the fridge to get some milk. "You get those little crinkles around the corner of your eyes when you're smiling inside."

She doesn't mean to say the last sentence out loud but it's out there and there's nothing she can do.

There's a silence for a while, Mina shuts the door close and takes a step forward towards the stove with the carton of milk in her hand.

She comes to an abrupt stop because Nayeon is in front of her, impossibly closer than she had expected.

The smile on the older girl's face is gone, in its place there is a seriousness which she doesn't normally show. "I don't like Hei."

"But you like someone else?" Mina whispers.

"Myself." The irritating smile is back.

"Liar." Mina breathes out, searching out Nayeon's face as their eyes lock together. "You are a coward and a liar."

The smile grows wider.

Mina thinks she might kill Nayeon before the end of eighteen days.

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