Chapter 29

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Mina stares at the one way mirror in the studio, eyes sometimes landing on people passing through the corridor unaware of her presence behind the glass. She knows in a couple of seconds Nayeon would walk out of the conference room, annoyed and irritated after being told to behave like an adult by their producer for passing notes during the briefing.

Mina can't hear, but sees the string of profanities that leaves the older girl's lips as she kicks a steel chair outside the room and yelps when her foot connects with the metal. She mutters another curse and slumps down on the chair, throws a file she's carrying in her hand to the side that sends lyric sheets scattering on the floor and runs fingers through her hair agitatedly.

Mina touches the glass as if she can reach the older girl somehow. She picks up her phone, and dials a number she knows by heart.

In the past, she's turned around while making the call and missed the wonderful scene that unfolds before her eyes. She watches with awe as Nayeon lifts her face up from her hands, slips her hand in her trouser pocket and brings up her phone.

The frown that's adorning her face disappears and a small smile twitches the corner of her lips as she glances softly at the name on the screen. She shakes her head, draws a deep breath, picks up the lyrics sheets carefully, puts them back in the folder, and rises on her feet.

She smoothes down the front of her shirt, tucks few stray hairs behind her ears and says, "Mina." into the receiver, her smile softer and more prominent, the frustration and agitation from earlier completely gone.

"Nayeon-chan," Mina asks gently, afraid if she spoke any louder the magic of the moment will break. "How does a tub of Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookies sound?"

"Like heaven." The words makes her heart flutter, butterflies release in her stomach, feel every little cliché from all the romance novels she's ever read.

The clock strikes eight. The second hand continues to tick. Outside, the snow falls steadily. Mina wants to close her eyes and ears, and wishes foolishly for time to stand still, hopes for the ticking to cease. It doesn't.

Tick. Tick. Tick it goes.

She wants to scream, wants to hurl something at the clock to stop it from ticking but it's useless. Time, like a flooded stream after a heavy torrent, moves forward with a maddening rush.

She needs air, she need to breathe but most of all she needs answers. She picks up her car keys and runs out the door before anyone can stop her. She only stops when she arrives at the fancy Neon sign that reads Le Bistro.

"Can I see your manager?" The excited girl at the reception gives an apologetic look and squeaks, "I'm sorry but she's not working today."

Mina feels a little ashamed as she fishes for the information she needs from the star struck young girl. "I wish I could help you but only our manager has access to guest files." Her tone is honest and regretful and Mina knows she's not lying.

She feels an anger simmering under her skin. She's angry that she has failed in her mission, angry that Nayeon failed to keep her promise of coming back, angry that life is so deeply and inherently cruel.

And it's not often she feels angry. It's not often that Nayeon gets the brunt of it. It's not often she wipes angrily at her tears, yells at the older girl, "Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you." and shuts the door in her face.

She doesn't want to see her face because she can't be reminded of what she's going to lose.

Mina looks at the digital clock despite herself.

11.59 PM.

"No, no, no." She sobs, curls up in a ball on her bed and holds a hand to her chest that's twisting in pure agony.

The sound of the second hand ticking follows her from the living room.

"No." She screams, covers her ears with her hands as more tears fall freely down her face.

The clock strikes twelve, the sound sends a chill down her spine like the sound of train to someone who has their foot trapped in the tracks.

She doesn't bother wiping her face as she glances at the clock on the bedside.


And the pain shoots through, renewed, brutal, the lump in her throat grows bigger, making it harder for her to swallow her tears and muffle her sobs.

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