Chapter 26

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"Will you tell me about her?"

She feels Nayeon's lips twitch into a smile as she lays a kiss on  top of her head. "She-" Nayeon takes a soft breath, runs a hand through her blonde curls, "Words won't do her justice."

Mina feels her heart clench painfully at the pang of jealousy that shoots through her. She draws her lower lip between her teeth, bites on it so hard that it almost draws blood.

Nayeon whispers above her. "And you know I'm not good with words."

Mina chuckles slightly, she already knows this , Nayeon is confident, funny, outgoing and you'd think she's like that in all aspects of life,  but when it comes to emotions and expressing herself she gets really shy, it's an odd and endearing contrast to the extrovert image she puts on. Mina remembers asking Nayeon once why she always fights with Jeongyeon, the older girl has said, "She's like a tree, and I'm like a panda, I cling on to the tree and grate on it, the tree lets me, it all seems pointless really, but without me the bamboo tree's seeds won't spread, it won't grow, and without the tree I won't have food." She's shaken her head with a fond smile and asked, "Are you trying to say that  even though you fight a lot, you both depend on each other?" and gets a bright smile in return, "Yeah."

She might not be good with words, might say what she feels in the most roundabout way possible, but Mina understands it anyway- come to think of it she's the only person who does, the other members shake their head in frustration and demand subtitles- thinks it's charming even.

She takes one of the older girl's hand, laces her fingers with hers, brings it up to her lips and lays gentle pecks on her knuckles. "Tell me more."

Nayeon sighs softly and nuzzles her cheeks against her forehead. "She's like McDonald's sundae."

She lifts a perfectly shaped brow in amusement. "Cheap and sticky?"

Nayeon shakes her head, slaps her arm playfully. "Soft, sweet, makes my heart happy."

Mina thinks these simple words are more beautiful than any poem that has  been written since the beginning of time, puts the likes of Lord Byron and Emily Dickinson to shame, speaks of a love that's beyond human comprehension, a love, like the universe, is timeless and indefinite.

"Her smile, it's like the sun." Her tone is wistful and despite the envy she feels towards this unknown person, Mina can't help but be in awe of them.

"Hot?" She brings their laced fingers to lay on her cheek.

Nayeon laughs softly as she cups her cheek. "One of its kind."

These words, they are not meant for her, she knows that, but her heart swoons.

Nayeon adds in a low voice, "I might be having a terrible day, and one look at her face, just thinking about her or even hear someone say her name, you know, it somehow makes everything better."

Mina feels her stomach drop. "I really want to see her." To ask her what she's done to earn a love so pure, to earn the love of someone so pure.

There's silence for a while. "You see her everyday."

Tears brim behind her closed eyelids. This mystery person, they've just become more real- now that she has a description and a clue to who they are- it's a bitter pill to swallow for her heart which is hopelessly in love with the older girl.

"We should sleep." Nayeon says after a while, and Mina nods. She doesn't want to hear about this person anymore, she's not sure she can handle anymore of the ache that's spread all over her chest.

The slow and steady heartbeat she hears under her ear tells her Nayeon has fallen asleep. She mulls over her words, patting the older girl gently whenever she mumbles in her sleep.

'You see her everyday.' It has to be a member or the staff. She recalls other clues, it's a girl- 'younger and fit, you got that much right'- that rules out most of their staff, they are all older than Nayeon.

That leaves only members behind, and she already has an admission from Nayeon that it's not Momo. It can't be Chaeyoung because Nayeon considers her a baby, can't be Jihyo or Jeongyeon because Nayeon definitely sees them as just her best friends, not Tzuyu -Mina vaguely remembers Nayeon telling her once that she's like a younger sister, that leaves Sana and Dahyun behind.

"Mina." Nayeon mumbles.

"Yeah?" She breathes as she strokes the soft muscles of the older girl's arms. She gets no reply in return. When she glances up, Nayeon is snoring softly and Mina thinks she must have fallen asleep again.

She plants a tender kiss on her chest. "I'll definitely fulfill your last wish Nayeon-chan."

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