Chapter 15

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Ten days, that's all she has. Their long working hours don't give her a lot of opportunities to find Seo and talk to her. She rubs her head tenderly, just above her eyes as it begins to throb. She feels exhausted physically and mentally.

A faint screeching of metal drags her from her thoughts. "What's wrong?"

Nayeon asks carefully as she sits on the empty chair in the dressing room.

"I'm hungry." Mina's lips pull down into a pout. She really is, the constant search for the mysterious person, the overwhelming thoughts swarming her head, the ache in her chest all combined together seems to have drained her energy.

"Girls, your shot will be ready in five minutes." Their assistant yells into the room.

"This is going to be a long day." Jeongyeon sighs as she stretches on the uncomfortable metallic chair. "We should have ordered lunch earlier." She declares as she goes to lay on top of Chaeyoung who's taken up the couch entirely.

"Go away." Chaeyoung grumbles but moves back to make space for the taller girl.

Mina sees Nayeon fumbling in the backpack until she pulls out something, her eyes lighting up. "Here, have this." Her gaze is soft and warm as she thrusts a pack of chocolate snack into her hands.

Mina smiles, head dipping with a faint blush to her cheeks when the incredibly long fingers gently brush against hers for a moment. "Thank you Nayeon-chan."

They get a small break an hour later and when Mina strolls past the waiting room, she overhears Jihyo telling Nayeon that she looks like she's about to faint and should eat something, Nayeon lies that she's already eaten her chocolate snacks and Jihyo should quit worrying.

Mina's heart feels like someone has their hands wrapped around it, tugging and pulling on all the strings in them.

She manages to find Seo later that night when she offers to walk Kookeu because Nayeon has hurt her ankle while shooting.

Her eyes narrow slightly as her gaze runs up and down the older girl. She's pretty, but Nayeon is definitely the most beautiful girl on earth, and it's beyond her why she'd be smitten with Seo.

Her mind tells her she's being shallow and petty, but she shuts it off.

"I was expecting to see Nayeonnie." Seo smiles as she passes a sweeping glance behind her shoulder, as if expecting Nayeon to show up any moment.

Mina glares at her pointedly, but quickly masks it with a friendly smile when Seo looks back at her. "She twisted her ankle, so here I am."

Seo frowns, lips turning down in a pout. "Tell her I miss her."

"Of course." Mina replies tersely. Do I look like a fucking dove? Do you want to tie a note to my legs as well? She asks herself mentally.

She decides she doesn't like Seo.

"I know she's older than me, but she feels like a younger sister sometimes you know." Seo mutters as she walks her dog alongside her.

"Like a sister?" Mina walks up the stairs gathering some speed as Kookeu tugs on the leash in an impatient manner.

"I use to have this massive crush on her." Seo shakes her head with a laugh. "I mean who wouldn't? She's beautiful and funny, it's hard not to be infatuated with her."

Mina affirms to herself that she definitely doesn't like Seo.

"You should tell her that." She grits through her teeth.

"Oh, I have." Seo opens the door to the lobby and lets two excited dogs in.

Mina raises a curious eyebrow. "What did she say?"

"She said, 'I understand, I'm beautiful and funny. It's hard not to be infatuated with me.' " Seo concludes with a chuckle.

Mina tries to a fight a smile from her face because those words are so typical of Nayeon.

"She's helped me a lot." Seo sighing snaps her thoughts back to her. "If it weren't for her, I'd still be stuck in a loveless marriage."

Mina's stomach drops because Seo seems more and more like the mysterious person.

"I had a lot of trouble accepting my sexuality." Seo continues, as they step into the lift. "Nayeon explained how I was hurting myself and my ex husband by lying to myself about who I'm in love with."

"Who are you in love with?" Mina turns to her side and fixes her gaze.

"My best friend Irene." Seo says, a blush spreading across her cheeks that makes her suddenly look likable.

"Nayeon knows this?" Mina breathes in a low voice.

"Oh she knows." Seo says softly and sighs, her shoulder slumping down with some form of relief. "Whenever we walk our dogs she is always giving me tips on how to ask her out." She chuckles fondly.

If Seo is the mysterious person, why would Nayeon help her get her girl? It doesn't make sense.

Seo has to be crossed off the list.

There's a warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart when she realizes that the older girl has helped Seo and pretended she knew nothing about the divorce or Seo being into women when the girls gossiped because she respects her privacy. Nayeon has a soft and caring side to her which she stubbornly refuses to show to the outside world.

The bell dinging in the lift as it reaches their floor draws her attention away from her thoughts.

"Goodnight Mina." Seo wraps an arm around her, pulling her into a side hug, holding the leash in the other hand.

Mina hugs her back, and whispers a soft goodnight deciding she likes Seo after all.

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