Chapter 14 - Thank You and I'm Sorry

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Summer break agreed with Kyoya Ootori.

Yawning as sunrise approached, Kyoya typed away on his laptop in the dark, researching future colleges and universities with his majors and minors. His father had it all planned out already, but Kyoya wanted - no, needed - to find just the right school to help him graduate early with all of the same credentials. To do it his own way while still following the rules. It was the weekend, so he had all the time in the world to spend his free time how he saw fit. And he wanted to select his future university himself.

His phone vibrated beside him, illuminating the white down comforter below. Kyoya didn't bother to check it until it buzzed again. And again.

A phone call? At this hour?

Flipping his screen right-side up, Kyoya squinted through the blinding glare to read the caller ID before answering. "Michiyo? What-?"

"Kyoya, thank god." Her voice came out high and thready, a wild edge to it that scared him. "I was out on a run with Mochi and... and someone's following me."

Kyoya sat up straight, throwing off his covers. "The stalker? Paparazzi?" He swung himself out of bed, rapidly pulling on clothes without paying much attention to color or fabric. "Are you safe?"

"I don't know, but I'm fine for now," Michiyo answered, voice wavering, "They were taking pictures... I'm hiding in a convenience store on the corner of Sakura and Ichigo."

"Good," Kyoya nodded, his phone wedged between his shoulder and ear as he yanked socks on, "I'll be there in five minutes. You... you're doing great, Michiyo. Stay calm and stay where you are. If you want, you can stay on the other line while I call my family's security team. Just... just pretend you're talking to Mei or your fake boyfriend or whoever." He threaded a belt through his pants haphazardly and broke out of his room, slippers slapping on the hardwood floors.

"Sure..." She paused, silence emphasizing his heavy breathing as he tore through his cavernous mansion. "Kyoya?"


"Thank you. And I'm sorry."

Kyoya didn't know how to respond, his feet slowing to a stop at his front door. He cleared his throat, shaking his mind loose from its clouded thoughts, and answered, "Don't." He flew across his driveway, throwing himself into the backseat of the waiting car. The driver yawned as they sped away, Kyoya's fingers already dancing across his phone, dialing the Black Onion Squad. His heart slammed around in his chest like a pinball, ricocheting off of his lungs and ribs and diaphragm. She had to be safe. She'd be safe for a few more minutes.

She had to be okay.

His words came out venomous and hot, spitting instructions to the first person who answered the security line. They deployed a small team to the convenience store and said they'd be there in minutes.

It wasn't fast enough.

Kyoya slid an exasperated hand through his hair and let his eyes flutter closed for a moment before hanging up.

"...and then he said to me 'sounds fake' in that deep, grumbly voice he has. I can't believe he called me a liar like that!"

Kyoya stifled a laugh, relaxing in the back seat. Michiyo was monologuing, pretending to talk to someone as he patched back into her call. "So then what did you do?" he answered, the heat leaching from his voice as he listened to her. He was only a minute out from the convenience store, and if he craned his neck just right he could see it down the block.

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