Chapter 21 - Primal Screaming

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 "So... bad news."

After returning home from shooting some scenes for the movie, I stood in the middle of the living room, addressing everybody at once, including Mei. Hugo was out on his hourly perimeter walk, and Ellis was off picking up takeout from a fancy place that didn't deliver. The twins paused their game of Mario Party to listen to my announcement, leaving Mei and Honey in the lurch. Kyoya looked up from his hefty novel, his cheeks still a little sunburnt. Mori leaned out from the kitchen, chewing on a massive sandwich, one eyebrow raised.

After steeling myself for the big announcement, I said, "My parents want to have dinner. With all of us. Here. Tonight."

Mei wrinkled her nose, as if she'd smelled something horribly foul. "No."

"I already tried that tactic, and they insisted," I sighed.

Kyoya straightened up, holding his spot in his book with one of his fingers. "When?" he asked simply.

"In two hours," I grimaced. "Which means we don't have a lot of time to prepare. Ellis is already picking up the dinner, which means we just need to tidy up and get dressed, really. It'll be fine, and everything will go smoothly, and–"


I spun at the sound of Mori's voice, coming from the kitchen door where he still lingered, and found him frowning at me. His sandwich had disappeared. "We'll help," he said, low and sincere, "Everything will be fine."

Swallowing against the anxious knot in my throat, I nodded. "Right. You're right."

"Well, you heard Mori-senpai," Kyoya said with a little sigh. "Get to work."

"Yes sir!" The club spoke in that unnervingly practiced unison and raced off to separate corners of the house, already starting to clean.

A heavy sigh fell out of me, weight settling on my shoulders. Instead of wallowing, I decided to start in the kitchen and ghosted past Mori, taking the empty plate from his hands as I did. "Thank you," I murmured, looking up to briefly catch his eye.

He nodded in return.


Unfortunately, my parents were just as awful as I remembered.

I put the finishing touches on dinner (just a little garnish and some nice plating for the takeout, that's all) as Hugo pulled up in the driveway. "Okay, everyone, remember your notes," I hissed, eyeing the boys as they sat in the living room. Mei hovered near me, wringing her hands and shifting from foot to foot. I chewed my lip. "Mori?"

"Don't react if they insult us."

"Right. Honey?"

"Be charming, but not fake!"

"Correct. Kyoya?"

"Charm them with our connections and, as you so eloquently put it, 'fanciness'."

"Yes, but shut off the sass. Hikaru?"

"Don't mention the club!"

"Yup. And Kaoru?"

"Um... have fun?"

"Good try. I mean, obviously try to have fun, but I doubt it'll happen. Try again?"

"Get them out of here ASAP. Right, Michiyo?"

"Right." I sighed and shook my hands out, trying to free myself from the pre-parental jitters and failing spectacularly. Ellis answered the front door to allow my parents inside. Their pinched voices echoed off of the entryway, and my heart sank at the sound. I took a steadying breath, and murmured, "Get ready."

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