Chapter 34 - Killer Queen

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The day of the masquerade arrived precisely on Halloween, and the Ouran Academy campus was nearly dead that fateful morning.

On that specific Saturday, the only people wandering the pristine yet empty halls were the hardworking members of the host club... oh, and all of the well-paid hired help. Moving massive set pieces, priceless artwork, and oversized props in and out of the ballroom, they flitted through the buildings as silently as ghosts.

I stopped at my favorite coffee shop on the way, picking up drinks for everyone (an overly-sugary blended monstrosity for Honey, a plain black coffee for Mori, the usual prim latte for Kyoya, a strawberry banana smoothie for Tamaki, two energy drink concoctions for the twins, and an iced coffee with vanilla and cinnamon for Haruhi) to boost morale and amp up the early morning energy; I knew for a fact that Kyoya—at the very least—would be an absolute grouch without a little caffeine.

The second I entered the ballroom with drinks precariously perched in my arms, Honey screamed my name, echoing across the emptiness. With the coffees blocking my view, I couldn't see them, but rather heard the rest of the host club as they barreled toward me, swiping drinks from my grasp until only mine remained. A chorus of "thank you"s went up before everyone dispersed once more to return to their masquerade prep, leaving Kyoya standing in front of me with dead eyes. He lumbered over and plopped his forehead on my shoulder, grumbling incoherently before taking a looong swig of his coffee.

"Good morning to you too," I chuckled, resting my head on his.

At first, he said nothing except for a few incomprehensible mumbles, but then he turned his head and tugged on a strand of my hair. "You cut it," he said, half-question and half-observation.

I sure did. My hairstylist swung by the house and chopped off twelve inches, leaving me with a shaggy lavender bob. "Thanks for noticing," I said.

"I like it," he added, burying his face into my shoulder again.

I fought a smile and leaned my head against his. "I'm glad."

"Quit canoodling, you two," Hikaru said, popping up out of nowhere.

"Yeah," Kaoru nodded, putting his elbow on Hikaru to lean nonchalantly. "Your dress arrived an hour ago, overnighted from Italy. We need to do one last minute fitting before you go onstage."

I carefully disentangled myself from Kyoya and chased after the twins, ready to begin our long day of preparations, decorations, and celebrations. After a long week of testing and a soon-to-be long night of partying...

A break from reality sounded like heaven.


"A suit and a dress. Hah. Suck on that, Tamaki."

Late that night, I turned in front of a full-length mirror, admiring my bespoke costume from the twins. The bodice consisted of a velvety pastel pink romper with a faint, shimmery brocade and gold-trimmed jacket top; from the waist, a wide tulle skirt sprouted in a rainbow of pastel fabric. And last, but not least...

"Need a hand?"

In the mirror, I looked up and found Kyoya behind me, already dressed in his matching pink velvet suit and flowing cape. Someone had styled his hair, pushing his hair into a neat side part. He looked like royalty, the genuine article.

Spinning on my heel, I grinned at him, my heart light as air. "Fancy meeting you here, Prince Kyoya," I said with a curtsy.

"You as well, Lady Michiyo," he replied, effortlessly playing along with my silliness and managing a small bow. He smirked at me when he righted himself, his cheeks a bit flushed. "Would you like some assistance with your... ahem, shoes?"

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